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Hypnotics do not work as a long-term treatment for insomnia, studies reveal


Studies have shown that sleeping pills do not work as a long-term treatment for insomnia.

Clinical trials have previously shown that drugs can help sleep disorders for up to 6 months.

However, researchers say doctors and patients need to rethink long-term use after discovering that there is no difference after a year or two.

They evaluated data on 685 women suffering from sleep disorders such as difficulty nodding, frequent awakenings, and early rising.

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, USA, say doctors and patients need to rethink long-term use of sleeping pills.  (Stock image)

Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA, say doctors and patients need to rethink long-term use of sleeping pills. (Stock image)

238 were given sleeping pills and 447 were not.

After 1 and 2 years, neither group reported significant improvements in sleep quality or duration, and there was no difference between them.

The average age of participants in this study, led by Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, USA, was 49.5 years.

Initially, everyone reported that it was difficult for one in three to fall asleep at night, two in three to wake up frequently at night, and one in three to wake up early at night. ..

Dr. Daniel Solomon, the lead author of the study, said there was “poor evidence” of the long-term efficacy of the drug, despite its widespread use.

He wrote:’Sleep difficulties are common. Not surprisingly, the use of sleeping pills has also increased over the last two decades.

Studies have found that sleeping pills did not work as a long-term treatment for insomnia.  (Stock image)

Studies have found that sleeping pills did not work as a long-term treatment for insomnia. (Stock image)

What is insomnia?

People with insomnia have regular sleep problems.

Patients with insomnia have difficulty falling asleep on a regular basis, waking up several times in the middle of the night, waking up at night, unable to get up early to return to sleep, and feel tired after waking up.

People with insomnia find it difficult to take a nap during the day (even if they are tired) and tired, making it difficult to concentrate.

The most common causes of this condition are stress, anxiety or depression, noise, rooms that are too hot or too cold, alcohol, caffeine or nicotine, and recreational drugs.

To treat insomnia, GP Causes of insomnia in patients.

From time to time, patients may be referred to a therapist for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

GPs currently rarely prescribe sleeping pills to treat insomnia.

The NHS recommends that adults sleep 7-9 hours a night.

Source: NHS

“These agents have various safety concerns, and recent reports have reported significant operational failures.

‘Although most data on their efficacy comes from short-term studies (ie, 2-12 weeks), these drugs appear to be in long-term use by many patients.

“In this analysis of the long-term effects of hypnotics, hypnotic use was not associated with reduced sleep disorders.

“When doctors and other clinicians prescribe these drugs, they often start with short-term prescriptions, but many patients who receive these prescriptions are long-term users.

“There are good data from randomized controlled trials that these drugs improve sleep disorders in the short term, but the results presented here are some of the only data on the long-term effects of these drugs on sleep. It represents.

“The lack of benefit observed in the current study is that when doctors start prescribing these drugs, many patients continue them for long periods of time and benefit from using these drugs for more than a few months. It suggests that we should discuss with the patient that there is little evidence to show. “

Poor sleep is associated with health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, pain and depression.

About one in three suffers from sleep disorders at least once a week, and doctors prescribe a variety of medications to help people fall asleep.

These include Z-drugs such as benzodiazepines, zolpidem, zaleplon, and eszopiclone, as well as other medications aimed at anxiety and depression.

Researchers have confirmed that the drug may work well in “a small number of patients” with sleep disorders over the years.

But they say their findings should “pause for thought” before reaching the prescription.

According to the NHS, GPs currently rarely prescribe sleeping pills to treat insomnia because of the potential for side effects and addiction.

NHS advice on how to get a good night’s sleep

I go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

Relax at least an hour before bedtime. For example, take a bath or read a book.

Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. Use curtains, blinds, eye masks, or earplugs as needed.

Exercise regularly during the day.

Make sure the mattresses, pillows and covers are comfortable.

If insomnia is very severe, or other treatments have failed, they are usually prescribed for days or weeks at most.

Mild sleeping pills are available from your pharmacist.

The most common causes of insomnia are stress, anxiety, or depression. Noise; A room that is too hot or too cold. Uncomfortable bed; or alcohol, caffeine or nicotine.

Professor Martin Marshall, chair of the Royal College of GPs, said: ‘Sleep disorders can have a serious negative impact on a patient’s physical and mental health and well-being.

“Sleeping pills are effective in some patients in the short term, but they are not without risk, so GPs are prescribed to patients only when alternative treatment options are considered.

Lifestyle factors such as stress, anxiety, drinking and caffeine can all contribute to sleep disorders and can often be addressed without medication.

“If a drug is prescribed, it is after a frank discussion with the patient about the potential risks and benefits-and GPs generally prescribe the lowest possible amount in the shortest possible time.

“This is an interesting study and it is important to take it into account when developing and updating clinical guidelines.”

The survey results are published in the journal BMJ Open.


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