State warns of increasing cases of norovirus in New Mexico’s most populous county
In the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, the New Mexico Department of Health said multiple outbreaks of norovirus have been seen throughout the state, including Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties. A doctor working in the emergency room at UNM Hospital said he was watching. More and more patients are infected with norovirus. There are also concerns that it can stress the already stressed healthcare system. “This is probably one of the most contagious viruses we know,” said Dr. John Femling, an emergency physician at UNM Hospital. The Ministry of Health has warned that the virus has spread to some of the state’s most populous counties. “The counties of Bernarillo, Santa Fe, Donaana, Grant and Taos are seen throughout the state,” said David Morgan, a spokesperson for the department, “an influx of norovirus.” Morgan said the state is seeing an increasing number of cases less than a year old. With the increased capacity, we were all able to re-enter the world and see norovirus, “says Morgan. I was infected, “said Dr. Femling. “And you get nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and get pretty sick,” said Dr. Femling said the patient had many symptoms and was concerned about the potential burden on the hospital. “Nearly a quarter to half of my patients have problems like norovirus,” said Dr. Femling. “It’s a big problem that more people have to come to the hospital with a system that has spread to many people and is already stressed … We have already increased with COVID and now it is really increasing with norovirus. According to NMDOH, the virus spreads easily from person to person, or to crowded areas. Dr. Femling said, for example, that he needed to see it on a cruise ship and shut down the entire ship. But it’s also common in school, so he asks his parents to pay attention. “If your child feels a little sick, leave it at home,” Dr. Femling said. It was. It differs from COVID-19, which can use hand sanitizers as a precautionary measure. With norovirus, he and DOH said it didn’t work-you have to wash your hands. The good news is that most people get better in a day or two, but very young and old people can get seriously ill. Again, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Doctors say they are at home when they feel sick.
In the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic, the New Mexico Department of Health said multiple outbreaks of norovirus have been seen throughout the state, including Bernarillo and Santa Fe counties.
Doctors working in the emergency room at UNM Hospital said more and more patients were infected with norovirus. And there are concerns that it can stress the already stressed medical system.
“This is probably one of the most contagious viruses we know,” said Dr. John Femling, an emergency physician at UNM Hospital.
A common but highly contagious virus that spreads to some of the state’s most populous counties has been alerted by the Ministry of Health.
“Over the state, norovirus influx is seen in the counties of Bernarillo, Santa Fe, Doña Ana, Grant and Taos,” said David Morgan, a spokesman for the agency.
According to Morgan, there are an increasing number of cases in the state that are less than a year old.
“Now that people are vaccinated, businesses can increase capacity and we can all start going out into the world again, we are starting to see norovirus,” Morgan said. It was.
“With just a touch, you’re very likely to get infected,” said Dr. Femling. “And it causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and is quite ill.”
Dr. Femling told his patients that he was seeing it a lot, and he is worried about the potential burden on the hospital.
“Nearly a quarter to half of my patients had some problems from something like norovirus,” said Dr. Femming. “It’s a big problem that more people have to come to the hospital with a system that has spread to many people and is already stressed … we’ve already increased with COVID, and now it’s really increased with norovirus. It’s like a one-two punch, and I don’t really need it now. “
According to NMDOH, the virus spreads easily from person to person or in high-population areas. Dr. Femling, for example, saw it on a cruise ship and said he needed to shut down the entire ship, which is also common in schools. So he asks his parents to be careful.
“If your child feels a little sick, leave it at home,” said Dr. Femling.
It differs from COVID-19, which can use hand sanitizers as a precautionary measure. In the case of norovirus, he and DOH said it didn’t work. You need to wash your hands.
Fortunately, most people get better in a day or two, but very young and old people can get seriously ill. Again, symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Doctors say they are at home when they feel sick.
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