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Young COVID Vaccine Volunteers Want to Help Life Return to Normal


Dr. Mark Ghaly of CDPH said he hopes the state will immediately vaccinate teens who had to bear a heavy burden during the pandemic.

Sacramento, CA — State officials say California is approaching approval of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine for 2.1 million children between the ages of 12 and 15.

Nationwide and in California, firing will begin on Thursday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Advisory Board released recommendations for the use of double-dose vaccines in children up to 12 years of age on Wednesday.

In California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, the Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup independently reviews the US Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization. It is also expected that a decision will be made on Wednesday to clarify how to initiate vaccination throughout the state.

Relation: How to get your child vaccinated against COVID-19

An emergency use authorization for the FDA would not have been possible without the help of young volunteers across the country who participated in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial.

“It wasn’t too hard to decide,” said Isabella Fani, 12, a 12-year-old Pfizer clinical teen trial participant at Davis.

Fani volunteered because he wanted to know more about what was happening to his body. She says she now knows how drugs and vaccines are made, so she knows they are safe.

13-year-old Leila Farinsky was another teenage test participant, also from Davis. She said she was eager to participate so that her life could return to normal.

“It’s very separate that sports are canceled just by staying at home. Yes, I definitely wanted to start testing so that people could get vaccinated. Most of the time. I was able to go back to school, put everything back and just hang out. I went out with my friends. “

Relation: Parents faced decision to vaccinate their child with COVID-19

CDPH’s Dr. Mark Garry said in a briefing on Tuesday that the state wants the state to vaccinate young teens who had to bear a heavy burden during the pandemic.

“As we begin to return to more normal activities, whether it goes to face-to-face school or spends time with friends, the exciting advantage is that young people bear a heavy burden on COVID as a whole. I know that, “Ghaly said.

Fani said the pandemic was tough for her.

“Well, I had to give up school, and it was really hard for me,” Fani said. “I had to give up meeting my friends and it was especially hard at first.”

That’s part of the reason she was motivated to attend the trial. She knew her generation was lagging behind in schooling and said that if the virus continued to spread and become infected, other unhealthy children could become very ill. ..

“I really wanted to help everyone, so they could easily recover. They were just as well educated and able to catch up with school,” Fani said. It was.

Both girls say they are honored to be part of something historic.

The girls will know in a few weeks whether they have received the actual vaccine or placebo, but they will continue to work for the next two years due to close scrutiny. The girls are responsible for writing an electronic symptomatology diary once a week and check for antibodies every 6 months.

Relation: When will the COVID vaccine be available to children under the age of 12?

Fani’s mother, Dr. Anna Rodriguez, said she was proud of her daughter who chose to attend the trial.

“As a doctor, and as a mom, I had to do homeschooling, seeing the sacrifices it cost to my children, which cost other families in the community and our health care system. Look, “Rodriguez said. [Isabella to participate in the trial]”

Farinsky’s participation was not only useful nationwide, but also persuaded his father to vaccinate.

“She advised me to get it,” said Farinsky’s father, David Meeker. “I don’t usually get a flu shot. I don’t like needles, but it was so easy for her and so easy for me that I want everyone to go out.

See next: Owners were arrested after a bar in San Joaquin County sold a fake COVID vaccination card, officials say

According to ABC, undercover agents were able to purchase fake vaccination cards multiple times at the bar in April.

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