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Studies show that addiction physically brings strangers closer


Has been updated:
May 12, 2021 22:52 IS

Washington [US], May 12 (ANI): Swallow some drink May get you with a stranger Closer For them, according to the results of studies with pandemic-related effects.Researchers are strangers who consume alcohol May keep distance together at first-but draw Physically Closer When they get drunk.
In previous studies, alcohol Consumption at social distances, researchers say. They report new discoveries in the minutes of the National Academy of Sciences.
To test how social friendliness affects drinking behavior, researchers asked study subjects to bring their own friends to participate in the study. 212 young, healthy social drinkers were assigned to different conditions.
“In half of the cases, participants drank with friends,” said Catherine Fairburn, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, who led the study. “In the other half, they drank with another participant’s friend, a stranger.”
The pair was assigned to consume either alcoholic or nonalcoholic beverage.
The team gave them enough of the conditions alcohol To bring their blood alcohol To levels related to addiction. The researchers recorded the interaction of each pair on video.
“We used machine learning techniques to detect the position of each person’s hands, arms, legs, and head in the video to measure the distance between individuals,” said the study’s co-authors. Nigel Bosch, Professor of Information Science and Educational Psychology in the United States who developed this method. “We used a little geometry to convert the pixel coordinates of a person detected in the video to the actual distance based on an object of known size displayed in the video.”

Friends tended to get closer to each other, whether they consumed it or not alcoholSaid Fairburn.
“But the participants who interacted with strangers only moved. Closer To that individual if they are drunk. The physical distance between these pairs decreased by about 1 centimeter every 3 minutes. “
Those who did not drinkalcoholIc drinks with strangers were not drawn much Closer The team found each other during the experiment.
“This study, over time, alcohol “We’re closing the physical distance between people who aren’t familiar with it,” said Laura Grieri, a researcher at the University of Illinois Psychology and chief research author. alcohol May promote viral infections and prevent: Avoid crowds Guidelines. “
Fairbairn is about the mobility of participants Closer Since they were sitting facing each other at the table, there were some restrictions on each other, and the research was done in a quiet and spacious laboratory rather than in a bar.
“People will probably attract Closer We talked to each other in a crowded bar with loud music compared to our lab environment, “she said.


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