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Humans have begun to love carbohydrates for a very long time


By Cara Murez

Health Day Reporter

Wednesday, May 12, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Not only did humans and their ancient ancestors eat carbohydrates longer than they were recognized, but new studies show that these starchy foods are actually Human brain..

A new study studying the history of the human oral microbiome shows that Neanderthals and ancient humans have adapted to eating starchy foods dating back to 100,000 years, much earlier than previously thought. discovered.

Harvard researcher Christina Wariner said, “I think we’re seeing evidence of truly ancient behavior that may have been part of the brain formation, or the growth of the human brain.” “This is evidence of a new food source available to early humans in the form of roots, starchy vegetables and seeds.”

Oral microbiota mouth.. They protect against illness and help promote good health.

The findings are part of a seven-year study involving the collaboration of more than 50 international scientists.

They are believed to be the oldest oral microbiota sequenced to date for Neanderthal, primate, and human oral microbiota, including 100,000-year-old Neanderthals. Rebuilt.

Scientists analyzed the fossilized plaques of modern and Neanderthals and compared them to the closest primate relatives to humans, the chimpanzees and gorillas, and the distant relatives, humans.

Billions DNA The genome was reconstructed by genetic analysis of fragments stored in fossilized plaques.

Researchers were surprised to find a strain of oral bacteria specifically adapted to break down starch.These bacteria from the genus Streptococcus, Has a unique ability to capture starch digestive enzymes from humans saliva And feed yourself. The genetic mechanism they use to do this is active only if starch is part of the normal diet.

Neanderthals and ancient humans had these starch-adapted strains in plaque, but most primates had few.

“our Streptococcus I have acquired the ability to do this. “


The survey results were released on May 10th. Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers have found that this finding makes sense because starch-rich foods such as underground roots and tubers such as potatoes, nuts and seeds have been important and reliable sources of nutrition for hunter-gatherers around the world. I said there is.

The human brain needs glucose as a source of nutrition, and meat alone is not enough, Wariner said. Starch accounts for about 60% of human calories worldwide.

Richard Wrangham, a professor of natural anthropology at Harvard University, co-author of the study, said: “These new data have all implications for me and reinforce a new view of Neanderthals that their diet is more like Sapien than previously thought. [meaning] Rich in starch and cooked. “

The study also identified 10 groups of bacteria that have been part of the human and primate oral microbiota for over 40 million years and are still shared today. Little is known about them.

The oral microbiome of Neanderthals and today’s humans was almost indistinguishable. This study touches on the power to analyze small microbes that live in the human body.

“It shows that our microflora encodes valuable information about our own evolution.

For more information

Details of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Ancient tools and food..

Source: Harvard University, News Release, May 10, 2021

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