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For mental health and stress, one in four female lawyers is considering changing jobs


A man walking down the street with a briefcase in Manhattan, New York City, USA, August 19, 2020.Reuters / Andrew Kelly

Patrick Krill, who turned from a lawyer to a substance abuse counselor, has long advised law firms on the issue of well-being, but is familiar with the mental health challenges of legal profession.

But even he was shocked by this discovery in his co-authored report published Wednesday. Twenty-five percent of the female lawyers surveyed said they were considering leaving the lawyer because of mental health problems, burnout, or stress.

He said it was a “crisis-level number.”

The report found that a smaller but significant proportion (17%) of male respondents were also considering quitting the law because of mental health concerns.

What is driving that gender gap? According to the survey, women were more likely to be overcommitted than men and had work-family conflicts, but did not expect to be promoted.

After a 2016 report led by Krill presented a wide range of issues and provided data to support long-standing anecdotal evidence, law firms began to discuss mental health more openly. The report, one of the first major studies of lawyers’ mental health, found that one-third of lawyers were problem drinkers and 28% suffered from levels of depression far above the US average. I found that.

In Wednesday’s survey, Krill of the University of Minnesota School of Medicine and psychologist Justin Anchor surveyed 2,863 people in 2020. All were legal experts, members of the California Bar Association or DC Bar, and were almost evenly divided between women and men.

More than 20% of female respondents say they have symptoms of moderate to severe depression compared to about 15% of men. Almost 23% of women had moderate to severe anxiety symptoms, compared to 14.5% of men.

Two-thirds of women reported moderate to severe stress, compared to less than half of men. Women were more likely to engage in dangerous and dangerous drinking.

Nearly 30% of women faced high-level work-family conflicts, while only 21.3% of men reported the same.

According to the report, the biggest factor in whether women were considering leaving the law was the conflict between work and family. Stress was the number one factor for men.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spotlighted both of these issues. This spring, several law firms announced two installment bonuses to combat associate burnout due to prolonged pandemics, high trading volumes and high working hours.Some companies including Orrick Herrington & Satcliffe, Also giving employees additional vacation time.

In 2020, when the pandemic closed schools and offices and retired, businesses were forced to evaluate the treatment of working parents. Lawyer’s parents juggle Their own remote work with children’s remote learning.

A Recent survey According to statutory recruiter Major, Lindsey & Africa, about one in five respondents were not happy with how their company helped their parents during the pandemic. We also found that parents who took parental leave often believed that it would affect their access to quality work and promotion.

The krill team found that women generally have fewer opportunities for promotion than men.

In a Wednesday survey, nearly 39% of women reported less likely to be promoted, while 33% of men. Women were more likely to report a large imbalance between work effort and compensation.

Krill said his team did not question the impact of gender bias on the mental health of lawyers, partly because the investigation was extensive and not intended to focus solely on gender.

“But it was very important for us to understand why people leave because of mental health, burnout, and stress. It’s hard to connect, estimate, and say part of that spirit. I don’t think health distress, burnout, or mental discomfort is probably caused by prejudice. “

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Our criteria: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.


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