UAMS provides COVID-19 vaccine to children aged 12 to 15 years

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Ainsley Alrbight, 17, will receive her first Pfizer vaccine at the COVID-19 Community Vaccination Clinic on April 10. Starting Thursday, UAMS will provide vaccines to children over the age of 12.
Image by Karmen Robinson
| Little Rock — Starting Thursday, children over the age of 12 will be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine at the UAMS Medical Center.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today approved the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for all people over the age of 12. The approval follows Monday’s decision by the Food and Drug Administration to grant an emergency use authorization to allow children aged 12 to 15 years to receive the Pfizer vaccine. Previously, the Pfizer vaccine was approved for use in children 16 years and older.
UAMS has partnered with the City of Little Rock to operate a vaccination clinic at the University Park Center at 6401 West Holy, Little Rock. The COVID Vaccine Clinic is open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.
The UAMS Northwest Regional Campus also offers a drive-through clinic in Fayetteville.
You do not have to be a UAMS patient to be vaccinated at these clinics.
There is no out-of-pocket cost for vaccination. If you have a valid ID and health insurance card, please bring it with you. Parents or guardians should come to the vaccine appointment with a patient under the age of 18.
The Little Rock Vaccine Clinic welcomes a walk-in. Reservations can be made by calling (501) 686-8960 or by visiting the following website: Vaccine sign up /.. If the phone line is busy, the caller will be asked to leave a message. Calls and online requests are returned in the order they were received.
Reservations are required at the Fayetteville clinic. To make a reservation, call (479) 332-0222 or visit the following website: Vaccine sign up / nwaclinic..
A second appointment is scheduled for each patient when they receive the first dose to ensure that they receive both the required doses of the vaccine needed for maximum protection.
UAMS is the only health science university in the state, with universities in medicine, nursing, pharmacies, healthcare professionals, and public health. Graduate School; Hospital; Little Rock Main Campus. Fayetteville’s Northwest Arkansas Regional Campus. A state-wide network of regional campuses. Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute, Jackson T. Stevens Institute for Spinal Neuroscience, Harvey & Bernice Jones Institute for Ophthalmology, Institute for Psychiatry, Donald W. Reynolds Institute for Aging, Institute for Translation, Digital Health & Innovation Laboratory. UAMS includes UAMS Health. This is a state-wide healthcare system that covers all UAMS clinical companies, including UAMS hospitals, community clinics, operating clinics, or staff working with other providers. UAMS is the only adult level 1 trauma center in the state. US News & World Report Nominates UAMS Medical Center as the best hospital in the state. We ranked the otolaryngology program in the top 50 nationwide. We named the six areas of COPD, colon cancer surgery, heart failure, total hip arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty, and lung cancer surgery high performance. UAMS has 2,876 students, 898 medical residents, and 4 dental residents. It is the state’s largest public employer with more than 10,000 employees, including UAMS, local campuses, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, VA Medical Center, and 1,200 physicians providing patient care at Baptist Health.visit Or us in Facebook, twitter, YouTube Or Instagram..
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