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Black fungus complicates India’s COVID pandemic

Black fungus complicates India’s COVID pandemic
Black fungus complicates India’s COVID pandemic


With more than 23.7 million severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections, India faces a global health crisis. Another health threat emerged as the national health system succumbed to increased hospitalizations and resource shortages.

Public health officials have reported a rare black fungal infection called mucormycosis. This is increasingly seen in vulnerable patients, including those with COVID-19 disease.

Mucormycosis: Wide-angle, wide-angle, non-septal hyphae of the fungal mucor from the sinuses of diabetic patients. Image Credit: David A Litman / Shutterstock

What is Mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis is a very serious and deadly infection caused by exposure to mucormycosis. Mucor is a microbial genus of about 40 species commonly found in soils, plants, rotten fruits and vegetables, and fertilizers.

Fungal infections generally affect the sinuses of the lungs after inhaling fungal spores from the air. Fungi can also invade the skin after cuts, burns, or skin injuries.

The mortality rate for this infection is about 50 percent. It affects high-risk populations due to weakened immune system functions such as diabetes, cancer, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

Mucormycosis can cause symptoms such as blood coughing, darkening of the nose, blurred vision, chest pain, and difficulty breathing. A typical feature of this infection is tissue necrosis or tissue death. When the fungus spreads to the eyes, patients can develop vision loss, eyelid sagging, swelling, and possible loss of vision.

Fungal infections are not contagious and do not spread between humans and animals. There is no vaccine to prevent infection.

India and fungal infections

The number of cases of mucormycosis is increasing in India, as many people are working on SARS-CoV-2 infection. The COVID-19 pandemic created the conditions for the infection to thrive and spread. The resident’s immune system is impaired by SARS-CoV-2, allowing black bacteria to settle.

Black ear mushrooms affect the health of people with comorbidities such as diabetes and weakened immunity. One of the ways COVID-19 is treated is with high-dose steroids to treat inflammation. However, the drug suppresses the immune system and makes it more accessible to other pathogens.

India’s healthcare system is on the verge of collapse as the two infectious diseases continue to cause havoc.

In western Maharashtra, including Mumbai, doctors report that about 200 patients who recovered from COVID-19 were being treated for mucormycosis. Eight of these patients died.

Meanwhile, in Gujarat, local governments have ordered hospitals to be assigned separate wards. In addition, authorities have ordered 5,000 doses of amphotericin B, a drug used to treat fungal infections. New Delhi also reported cases of zygomycosis.

India has not released national data on new infections, but states that there are no major outbreaks.

Threats to diabetics

Mucormycosis can be potentially fatal in some individuals, including diabetics. Fungal infections are known to attack people with a weakened immune system, especially those with diabetes.

People with diabetes have weakened immunity and are more susceptible to fungal infections. Apart from this, diabetic patients are at increased risk of mucor disease because the fungus prefers an iron-rich and acidic environment and diabetic ketoacidosis, a condition of diabetic patients whose blood becomes acidic.

How to prevent the transmission of mucormycosis?

Due to the high case fatality rate, people need to be proactive in protecting themselves. Avoid dusty areas such as excavations and construction sites. Avoid contact with flooded buildings and floods and prevent binding activities with close contact with soil and dust. When handling dirt, always wear protective gloves and wash your hands with soap and water.

In the treatment of fungal infections, patients need to be treated promptly. Antifungal drugs are usually given to kill the fungus.


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