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No, the mortality rate of vaccinated people is not higher than the mortality rate of unvaccinated people

No, the mortality rate of vaccinated people is not higher than the mortality rate of unvaccinated people


Instagram post “The mortality rate of fully vaccinated people is significantly higher than that of unvaccinated people. [people].. “

The post included a screenshot of a tweet by Chuck Calest, a former candidate for Florida’s third constituency. The tweet said, “Breaking news: According to the CDC, fully vaccinated Americans were infected with COVID-19, killing 88 people.” After that, the post seems to have been deleted from Callesto’s Twitter.


Fact checked Some others There have been claims about the efficacy and previous efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, and we have found them to be false.

The numbers posted are based on actual numbers provided by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In fact, the latest CDC data on the breakthrough incident was as of April 26, 9,000 A breakthrough infectious disease of COVID-19 has been reported.

However, these breakthrough infections are not evidence that vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. Public health experts agreed that the author may have miscalculated the rate. In addition, they said it would be misleading to use these numbers to calculate mortality and compare it to the unvaccinated population.

Facebook has flagged this story as part of its efforts to combat false news and false information in its news feed. (((read more About PolitiFact California partnership When I first saw this post on April 30th, it was shared more than 42,800 times. This post no longer appears on the author’s Instagram page, which has been flagged many times by Facebook for posting misleading and incorrect information.

Breakthrough infections and vaccine efficacy

The COVID-19 vaccine is effective. However, according to the CDC, only a small percentage of fully vaccinated people are infected with COVID-19 even when exposed to the virus that causes it. These infections are defined as “breakthrough cases of vaccines.”

Breakthrough cases of vaccines occur only in a small proportion of vaccinated people. And public health officials say that, unlike the post suggests, these cases actually enhance the effectiveness of the vaccine.

As of May 4th 105 million According to the CDC, people in the United States are completely vaccinated against COVID-19.During this same time, the CDC received 9,245 Report of a breakthrough infectious disease of the vaccine. This is less than .01% of fully vaccinated Americans.

A breakthrough case of vaccines is expected. In the original clinical trials, none of the vaccines were 100% effective, nor did they claim to be effective. According to public health experts and the CDC, no vaccine is 100% effective in preventing illness.

Therefore, according to the public health experts we interviewed, vaccines perform better than expected in some respects in real-world situations.

The CDC acknowledges that these cases actually underestimate the actual number of breakthrough vaccine infections. The total number of breakthrough infections is probably higher, as surveillance systems rely on voluntary reporting and testing.

“The lack of testing does not identify all real-world breakthrough cases,” the CDC website reads. “This is especially true for asymptomatic or mild illnesses.” This shows that CDC data on breakthrough cases are biased towards more serious infections that lead to hospitalization or death. Means

However, according to the CDC, more than a quarter of these cases were reported asymptomatic, meaning that vaccinated individuals were “infected with SARS-CoV-2 but had symptoms of the disease. It’s worth admitting that I didn’t show it.

From now on, the CDC will report only patients with breakthrough infections of the COVID-19 vaccine who were hospitalized or died to maximize the quality of the data collected for the most clinically and public health cases. “Migrate to,” said their website. Report changes will begin on May 14th.

Mortality comparison

According to the latest CDC statistics, a breakthrough infectious disease has hospitalized 835 people and killed 132 people. The CDC website states that 20 of the 132 deaths were “reported asymptomatic or not associated with COVID-19.” This means that less than 1% of these breakthrough infections have killed patients due to COVID-19-related illnesses.

New data from the CDC show that fully vaccinated adults over the age of 65 94% Less likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 than unvaccinated peers — and 64% A single dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine is less likely.

According to the latest figures from the CDC on May 10th 32,543,257 Of the COVID cases reported in the United States 578,945 people died.. That’s 1.8%, a high percentage compared to breakthrough infection data.

However, the post argues that the mortality rate of vaccinated people is higher than that of unvaccinated people. Experts say It’s difficult to quantify.

Public health experts said Smith was likely to have miscalculated the mortality rate.

“What they are saying is completely wrong,” said Dr. Lee Riley, professor and chairman of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Vaccines at the University of California, Berkeley. “I think they’re just miscalculating.”

Erin Mordecai, an assistant professor of biology at Stanford University, agreed with Riley about the miscalculation and warned against the comparison.

She said demographics distorted the data, making it impossible to accurately calculate mortality in vaccination and vaccination groups.

“These breakthrough cases may not be an average subset of the population and may be a high-risk group with a high risk of serious illness anyway,” Mordecai said. Says. “To better understand what is happening at relative risk, we need to know the demographics of the underlying health of those who have experienced these breakthrough cases and deaths.”

For example, the most endangered people across the country were prioritized for vaccination, including age. That is, the vaccinated population is much older than the unvaccinated population, with adults over the age of 65 accounting for more than 30% of the vaccinated population.

We are already elderly Greater risk It is not surprising that most (45%) of these breakout deaths were over the age of 60, as they must be hospitalized or die after being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19.

California and vaccination

According to the latest state data 13 million Californians are fully vaccinated — 32% of eligible Californians over the age of 16. Almost half of eligible Californians have been vaccinated at least once.

“Given that there are more than 12.9 million fully vaccinated individuals in California, the number of cases after vaccination remains low,” the California Public Health Service said in a statement. “Currently, 3,084 post-vaccination cases have been identified between January 1, 2021 and April 28, 2021.”

If you look at that number, it’s about one of the Californians who have been vaccinated to about 4,200 people.

Both public health experts we spoke with encouraged Californians to continue to obtain their COVID vaccine and help the state reach “herd immunity.”

Our ruling

An Instagram post falsely used CDC data on the breakthrough infection of the vaccine, saying that “the mortality rate of fully vaccinated people is significantly higher than that of unvaccinated people.” Insist. [people].. “

it’s not. Public health experts agree that this claim is false and the author of the post may have miscalculated the mortality rates of vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

The experts we spoke with also said that it would be misleading to use these numbers to calculate mortality and compare it to the unvaccinated population. Vaccinated populations are much older than unvaccinated populations and are more likely to be in underlying health due to restrictions on vaccination deployment.

The post also includes a screenshot of a tweet claiming that “CDC reported that 7,157 fully vaccinated Americans were infected with COVID-19 and 88 died.”

Breakthrough infectious disease numbers are real. In fact, more than 9,000 cases are currently recorded and 132 people have died. However, using these numbers as evidence that the vaccine is dangerous and ineffective is widely misleading, and the post excludes important facts about breakthrough infections.

Evaluate this statement as False.


Borag, Sophia. “”California is working to track cases of COVID among vaccinated people.The Sacramento Bee. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”COVID data tracker.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 10, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”COVID-19 Breakthrough case study and report.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 10, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”Pandemic planning scenario.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”Possibility of COVID-19 disease after vaccination.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”Vaccinated adults over the age of 65 are 94% less likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”What you need to know about the potential for COVID-19 illness after vaccination.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “”Senior citizens.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed on May 4, 2021.

Smith, Ian. “”Mortality rates for fully vaccinated people are significantly higher than for unvaccinated people …“Instagram. Posted on April 24, 2021. Accessed on May 5, 2021.

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