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COVID-19: Almost 50% of MLHU adults receive the first dose and all adults qualify within 2 weeks-London

COVID-19: Almost 50% of MLHU adults receive the first dose and all adults qualify within 2 weeks-London


Almost half of all adults in Middlesex-London Health UnitThere is already at least one dose in the jurisdiction of. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) vaccine Access to vaccines will increase significantly over the next two weeks.

“There has been an incredible intake of the vaccine so far,” London Mayor Ed Holder said Thursday. We hope that not only will the momentum continue, but that it will gain even more as the supply of vaccines continues to grow. “

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Middlesex-The 4th COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic opens in London by the end of the month

As of Thursday, people over the age of 40 (born 1981) are eligible to book at one of the local mass vaccination clinics, and on May 20th people over the age of 30 (born 1991) It is set to expand. Adults on May 27th.

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“It’s still waiting for state confirmation, but there’s no reason to believe we have to change those dates,” said Health Officer Dr. Chris McKee on Thursday.

“Two weeks from now, all adults in Middlesex and London are eligible to book a vaccine.”

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COVID-19: London, Ontario, Region Pivots from AstraZeneca to Moderna Vaccine

According to McKee, 5,000 reservations were made Thursday between 8am and 2pm, expanding access to people over the age of 40.

On Tuesday, when a second group of key workers and people over the age of 16 with certain health conditions became accessible, McKee says 17,000 reservations were booked a day.

“It was Banner Day, the biggest booking date we’ve ever had, and basically no problem,” he said. “The system is still bookable. Currently, the other available is the Nichols Arena.”

The· Earl Nichols Recreation Center 799 Homeview Rd. London has MLHU’s fourth mass vaccination clinic.

It won’t officially open until May 25th, but Mackie says, “We’re making those appointments available on the system to make sure they’re booked at the time of opening.”

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The Government of Ontario wants to vaccinate children aged 12 to 17 in June

The Government of Ontario wants to vaccinate children aged 12 to 17 in June

Mackie did not provide other details, but a fifth mass vaccination clinic is underway. MLHU is also considering expanding or introducing additional methods for vaccination of people in need.

“Pop-up clinics, more mobile teams, more targeting to specific areas, and we plan to increase vaccine deployment through primary care family doctors’ clinics,” explains Mackie. did.

“And, of course, there will be more to go through pharmacies. In the coming weeks, the states will actually increase. Delivery of Moderna through pharmacies.. “

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COVID-19: Pfizer vaccine available to Ontarians aged 12-17 from May 31st

Ontarians aged 12 to 17 are eligible to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine from May 31st. The state announced on Thursday. McKee says the health unit will partner with the school board, but not on a school-by-school basis. Vaccination at the moment.

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“Hepatitis B, HPV (vaccine) is widespread from school to school, and it takes about three months to get the vaccine team into every school, only in high school and junior high school,” explains Mackie.

“There may be situations where we set up clinics in schools, but at this stage of the campaign, the most efficient and effective way to use vaccines as a weapon is still large clinics.”

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The COVID-19 vaccine mix looks safe, but there are no data on whether it works, a UK study states.

McKee says he hopes to complete the first dose between the ages of 12 and 17 by the end of June, if possible, based on the supply.

For people under the age of 12, there is still no information on “whether people under the age of 12 will have access to the vaccine by September.”

List of people currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine in the Middlesex-London Health Unit and Southwestern Public Health areas Can be found online..

Information about the second dose, including those who are eligible for the second dose appointment at the shortened interval, It is also available on the MLHU website...

The schedule for the first dose Book online Alternatively, call 226-289-3560 daily between 8 am and 7:30 pm.

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— Using files from Jessica Patton of Global News.

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Olympic champion Alex Copax talks about near-death experience at COVID-19

Olympic champion Alex Copax talks about near-death experience at COVID-19

© 2021 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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