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Watkins Welcomes CDC Lifting Mask Guidelines for Vaccinated People | News

Watkins Welcomes CDC Lifting Mask Guidelines for Vaccinated People | News
Watkins Welcomes CDC Lifting Mask Guidelines for Vaccinated People | News


Dr. Kevin Watkins, director of public health at Catalaugas County, said the removal of mask guidelines for vaccinated people by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was welcome news.

“That was really big news,” Watkins said. “What an event change” in the battle with COVID-19.

“We are excited that the CDC has recognized people who have been vaccinated and has begun to allow fully vaccinated people to walk around without masks,” said Watkins.

“We are still waiting for official guidance from the State Department,” Watkins said. State regulations on wearing masks are somewhat stricter than the CDC guidelines. “We must follow the Department of State guidelines.”

He acknowledged that the new mask guidelines associated with COVID-19 could initially be confusing. “I don’t know who is vaccinated when you are there.”

Watkins hopes that the news of the CDC Mask will encourage more people to be vaccinated. They are very effective in preventing hospitalization and death from the coronavirus.

“These vaccines are not 100%,” he said. “There are breakthroughs, but no serious complications are expected. If someone becomes infected with COVID-19, it (vaccine) should minimize symptoms and avoid hospitalization.

“We were looking for this new CDC (mask) guidance that would allow us to walk around freely and return to normal,” Watkins said. “It’s great to see the CDC dial back about mask wear restrictions,” says an increasing proportion of Americans who have been vaccinated at least once.

In Cattaraugus County, 23,374 residents have completed the vaccine series and 27,367 have received at least one vaccination. According to Watkins, 45.1% of the population over the age of 18 has been vaccinated at least once, and 35.6% of the total population has been vaccinated.

There were 21 new COVID-19 cases reported Thursday with a positive rate of 3.1%.

Watkins said the school would be pleased that the FDA and CDC granted an emergency permission for the Pfizer vaccine used in children over the age of 12. I used to be up to 16 years old.

The CDC has not issued new guidelines for schools, but will do so soon.

Watkins said that under the CDC guidelines, vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks.

Watkins said the Ministry of Health has partnered with schools to start vaccination of 16- and 17-year-old students and the general public. “We have already graduated from three schools,” said Gowanda, Portville and Cattaraugus-Little Valley.

Starting today, 12-year-olds will be vaccinated at the high school gymnasium from 3:30 pm to 5 pm with parental consent at Randolph Central School. “The school has opened the clinic to the public. Citizens can make reservations at the school and go out to get vaccinated,” he said.

According to Watkins, the Pfizer vaccine, which requires a second dose, will be given within 21 days. The department schedules a second vaccination appointment at the clinic.

Individuals over the age of 12 who live, work, or study in New York State are eligible to book vaccination. Reservations are recommended, but the number of walk-ins is limited.

If you need assistance with registration, please call the Vaccine Call Center ((716) 701-3777).

Upcoming school vaccination clinics open to students and the public are:

May 17 — 3:20-5 pm, Allegany-Limestone High School.

May 19th — 2: 40-5 pm, Pioneer High School Gymnasium.

May 20-Franklinville Junior / Senior High School Gymnasium from 3pm to 5pm.

May 21st — 3:10 pm to 4:30 pm, Jericotville High School Gymnasium.

May 24 — 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm, Salamanca High School Gymnasium.

May 25 — 3:15 pm to 5:15 pm Gymnasium at Hindsdale Central School.

According to Watkins, the Department of Health, whose demand for vaccines has been declining in recent weeks, will vaccinate residents who cannot come to their home vaccination sites.

Arrangements can be made through the Vaccine Call Center, he added. “We will come to their house.”


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