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Most Canadians say they are unlikely to travel out of the community this summer: Nanos Survey


Ottawa-A new poll by Nanos Research shows that the majority of Canadians will not leave the community this summer, despite the expected relaxation of public health restrictions and accelerated vaccination. I understand.

According to a survey commissioned by CTV News, nearly 70% of respondents said they were “unlikely” or “somewhat unlikely” to travel, and 28% were “likely” or “somewhat likely.” I answered. Even if their community was under a stay-at-home order, 3 percent were “uncertain.”

“The fact of the matter is that the majority of Canadians resigned themselves to the fact that they do not travel too far until more Canadians are vaccinated and the pandemic is found to be controlled. I think that’s what Nik Nanos said in an interview with CTV from Nanos Research.

Respondents in Quebec and Atlantic Canada tended to say they remained in place compared to those in Ontario and Prairie.

According to the results of the survey, the Public Health Agency of Canada found that Canadians said in summer and autumn.Single dose summer “ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau approved “two falls” earlier this week.

According to the document, if 75% of Canadians eligible for vaccination are vaccinated once and 20% are vaccinated twice, it may include camping, hiking, picnics and patios in the summer, but it is crowded. Please avoid. By the fall, if 75% of the vaccinated people are fully vaccinated, we expect to be able to meet indoors with people outside the family, participate in indoor sports and participate in family gatherings. please.

The Government of Canada has not given specific instructions on when to lift a national recommendation to avoid unnecessary travel or when the US-Canada border will be fully opened again. Virus transmission is steadily declining.

Olympic Canadian

A Nanos survey found that nearly 60% of respondents were “uncomfortable” or “slightly uncomfortable” with Canadian athletes attending the Tokyo Olympics this summer. 36% of the respondents were “comfortable” or “somewhat comfortable” and 5% said they were “not sure”.

“We are basically experiencing a century pandemic, and the Olympics are usually the celebration and gathering of the best athletes in the world,” says Nanos. “They are watching what’s happening in Tokyo, the numbers are growing … so roll them all together, and the Canadians are uncomfortable.”

Respondents from Atlantic Canada and Ontario tended to say they were uncomfortable or slightly uncomfortable compared to Quebec and Prairie.

Canadian officials praised the news last week that Pfizer and BioNTech are donating the COVID-19 vaccine to athletes and officials preparing for the Olympics. Dose delivery is scheduled to begin this month to give the Olympic delegation time to be fully vaccinated on the second shot before arriving in Tokyo for the Games to open on July 23.

Other summer Canadian events, including the Canadian National Exhibition, while the Olympics are in progress was canceled.


Nanos conducts RDD dual-frame (land and cell line) hybrid phone and online random survey of 1,025 Canadians over the age of 18 from April 29 to May 3, 2021 as part of an omnibus survey Did. Participants were randomly recruited over the phone using a live agent and the survey was conducted online. Results are statistically checked using the latest census information, weighted by age and gender, and samples are geographically stratified to represent Canada.

Individuals were randomly called using random digit dialing with up to 5 callbacks.

The margin of error for a random survey of 1,025 Canadians is ± 3.1 percentage points, 19 out of 20.

This study was commissioned by CTV News and conducted by Nanos Research.

With files from Canadian Press.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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