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KU Leuven’s study reveals how signaling molecules play important roles in the learning process


Neurobiologists at KU Leuven have discovered that the signaling molecule Neuromedin U plays a key role in our learning process. This protein allows the brain to recall negative memories and learn from the past. Findings of research on roundworm are published in the journal Natural communication.

If a certain type of food or drink made you ill in the past, you will avoid it in future opportunities. Similarly, it avoids previously uncomfortable and uncomfortable situations. This learning process is based on unpleasant or negative memory and is very important. It has fascinated researchers for many years, but the molecular basis is not completely understood.

New research conducted by the Department of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology at KU Rubens sheds new light on this issue. Researchers studied roundworm Nematode They found that the protein Neuromedin U plays an important role in evoking negative memory. It functions as a signaling molecule that allows neurons to communicate with each other.

Roundworm as a model organism

Communication between brain cells is surprisingly similar between worms and humans. While Nematode The worm has only about 300 neurons, and its brain produces many signaling molecules similar to those found in the human brain. So by studying Nematode You can also learn about the human brain. “

Professor Isabel Beat, Ruben University

In addition, Professor Beets says the worm can learn from past experience. “The worm is inherently attracted to salt because it is associated with the presence of food. However, when it comes into contact with salt when food is not present, a negative association occurs. That is, the worm is salt.”

Evoke negative memories

Inactivating the causative gene of Neuromedin U changes the behavior of the worm, says Jan Watteyne, the lead author of this study, a PhD student. “We have found that this protein plays a very specific role in the learning process. This ensures that the worm can learn from past experience. If the worm encounters a salty environment without food, future However, if you temporarily block Neuromedin U, the worm will forget this first experience and will be attracted to salt again, meaning that this protein will not help make the association, but remember Will help. “

“It is clear that the signaling molecule, neuromedin U, plays an important role in learning and memory, and more specifically in the recovery of negative memory, which allows other similar molecules, so-called neuropeptides, to play specific roles in these functions. Is suspected. ”

Starting point

“The worm findings are a good starting point for further study of cognitive function in other animals. I know that Neuromedin U is also found in many other organisms and the human brain,” Liliane Schoofs. The professor says. “Thus, a thorough knowledge of these basic mechanisms is important for a better understanding of the complex processes of the human brain.”


See journal:

Wattain, J. , other (2020) Neuromedin U signaling is C. Modulates the search for salt avoidance learned in the elegans taste circuit. Natural communication.


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