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FOX 12 gets the answer: what do the new CDC guidelines mean for Oregon’s business? | News

FOX 12 gets the answer: what do the new CDC guidelines mean for Oregon’s business? | News


Salem, Oregon (KPTV)-Health officials in Oregon say the state’s COVID-19 cases are declining and hospitalizations are flat. The numbers are still higher than the agencies want, but they say we’re heading in the right direction.

So what does this all mean with the announcement of the new CDC that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks or social distances?

FOX 12 gets the answer: what do the new CDC guidelines mean for Oregon's business?

Image: KPTV

Oregon Governor Kate Brown tweeted Friday afternoon that “companies should continue to follow current guidance until immunization verification guidance and procedures are implemented.” But that wasn’t a message from the Oregon Department of Health on Friday morning.

To be on the safe side, Brown said on Thursday that he had adopted the CDC guidelines, but it is the responsibility of the state and local governments to deploy them logistically. The Oregon Department of Health will soon provide guidance to businesses, but state epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger does not say exactly when.

Meanwhile, FOX12 is getting answers.

Question 1: Is Oregon still under the state county risk level framework?

The answer is yes. However, here are some examples of things that are subject to change:

If a high-risk restaurant, that is, a restaurant with an internal capacity of 25%, checks the vaccination status and chooses to allow fully vaccinated customers to remove their masks and approach each other. , May accommodate more meals than the current space.

Sidelinger, meanwhile, says companies choose to only serve vaccinated people and do not want to exclude services to others.

Question 2: How do companies check the status of vaccinations? Do they have to be vaccine police?

Sidelinger says companies have choices. They can choose to stay under current guidance.

However, if a company chooses to adopt a new guideline, Sidelinger says it understands that it puts the guideline in a difficult position, but a system that asks and verifies the status of the vaccine. I would like to give the business owner.

Companies are already generally required to monitor someone’s social distance, and Sidelinger says they want, for example, those people to be able to change their responsibilities.

And yes, that probably means seeking physical evidence to verify.

“We expect that the establishment, which is the establishment, needs to put in place a system to ask questions about the status of the vaccine and verify it. For now, the name of the individual, the vaccine obtained, You’ll see a card with the date and where you got it. It may be a photo of the vaccine card, a record from their provider on their phone, but just a way to see it. Record. No need, because the business needs to know that they are vaccinated in order to know that their employees and other customers are protected, “says Sidelinger Friday.

Question 3: Is this plan a violation of HIPAA or privacy rights?

Sidelinger says people who don’t want to wear masks or distances in restaurants and stores will voluntarily share this information. Otherwise, you will need to wear a mask.

There are no OHA guidelines yet, but Sidelinger states that it is necessary to work with regulatory partners such as OSHA to ensure consistency. It is not clear what kind of enforcement is involved.

Meanwhile, Sidelinger said the new CDC guidance “does not undermine the protection needed to reduce the spread of the virus.”

He is talking about all the tools we now have to protect us. Even if you choose not to vaccinate, you still need to wear a mask and keep a distance.

Copyright 2021 KPTV-KPDX Broadcasting Corporation. all rights reserved.


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