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Intermittent Fasting: Health Trends Muslims have been practicing for centuries


JEDDA: Muslims have been practicing dietary patterns resembling intermittent fasting for centuries.

Intermittent fasting has been around for over 50 years and comes in many forms. This is a popular and popular choice that people use to lose weight, improve health and simplify their lifestyle, as many studies have shown it can have a positive effect on the body and brain. Health and fitness trends.

It is a dietary pattern that cycles through fasting and eating. It does not specify what foods you should eat, but specifies when to eat them.

Common intermittent fasting methods include a 16-hour daily fast or a 24-hour fast twice a week.

Saudis Malaikah, a Saudi clinical and sports nutritionist and a lecturer at King Abdulaziz University, said that older Muslims adhered to the habit of fasting twice a week because they were Sunnah (Prophet’s Way). Stated.

“Thanks to the fact that this fasting method has been practiced for years before it became cool and popular,” Malaika told Arab News. “Many of the older people have seen them feel better, so they’ve been on a break for a year. Many of our grandparents fast on Mondays and Thursdays, which is part of their lifestyle. They don’t know the scientific health benefits of fasting, it’s Sunnah, they just follow it because they make you feel and light, and I like it. 2 per week There are even 25 fasting methods for fasting only the day, which Sunna recommends for fasting on Mondays and Thursdays.

Common intermittent fasting methods

  • The 16/8 method, also known as the lean gain protocol, skips breakfast and limits the daily meal period to 8 hours, such as 1 pm to 9 pm. Then fast for 16 hours in between.

  • Eat-Stop-Eat: This includes fasting once or twice a week for 24 hours.

  • 5: 2 Diet: This method consumes only 500 to 600 calories over two non-consecutive days of the week, but eats normally for the remaining five days.

Ramadan fasting involves refraining from drinking or eating any form of food between sunrise and sunset, but intermittent fasting usually allows zero calorie liquids such as water, tea, coffee, etc. .

Malika said that fasting, when done correctly, has many health benefits. It helps to reduce excess weight, improve glucose control, increase insulin sensitivity, reduce blood lipids and reduce the risk of chronic illness.

“People usually give our digestive system a lot of time to digest food and reduce waste, so we feel” lighter “when we go faster. “

Intermittent fasting was much easier than Ramadan due to less chance of dehydration.

“But some argue that proper fasting during Ramadan presents even more significant benefits because it is more stringent.”

The problem added that some people lost all the health benefits of fasting when they were finally allowed to eat.

In order for people to get the most out of Ramadan from a health perspective, they should eat homemade meals whenever possible.

“Unfortunately, during Ramadan, we observe many erroneous eating behaviors, such as overeating, buying too many desserts, and preparing more meals than the family needs. To make fasting easier “Our diet needs to be carefully planned to be nutritious and contain enough protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.”

Clinical nutritionist Al-Wabahaif said that Ramadan fasting is a time-limited intermittent fasting practiced by adult Muslims for one month each year.

“In my opinion, both have similar health benefits if implemented correctly and correctly. The main similarities for both are diet, caloric drinks and water Prohibition or restriction , For religious or spiritual reasons, for the purpose of weight loss, or the purpose or reason behind fasting, “Baikaif told Arab news.

She said there wasn’t an ideal number of hours for an intermittent fast when it came to the benefit of weight loss, but the practice was worth trying.

“Unfortunately, we are currently generalizing the ideal number of fasting times, determining whether intermittent fasting is a sustainable treatment for obesity, and whether health-related benefits are maintained over time. There isn’t enough evidence to do it, but it’s still worth trying. “

She said that intermittent fasting was perceived by many as being more flexible than strict calorie counting, with specific meal times, less eating time, and less planning. It was Intermittent fasting caused weight loss by altering both sides of the calorie equation by reducing the calories eaten and burning the calories. Ramadan fasting can be an effective approach not only for weight loss, but also for the prevention of diabetes and illness.

Baikaheif warned that intermittent fasting is not recommended for children, teens, those on drug therapy that require food intake, diabetics, people with eating disorders, pregnant and lactating women.

She said Islam is a great teacher for all Muslims. “We urge many to avoid problems before they occur. The benefits are great for us as Muslims, including feelings for those in need, encouraged self-control and caused by luxury. Our religion also urges us to protect our health-it’s one of God’s blessings to us-this is every Muslim individual Responsibility, ”she added.


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