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18,658 COVID-19 vaccines received, 196 new cases

18,658 COVID-19 vaccines received, 196 new cases
18,658 COVID-19 vaccines received, 196 new cases


Vaccination reservation system open to people over 23 years old

The state’s age-based vaccination program qualifications are currently over 23 years old. Remains over 18 years old in the North Saskatchewan Management District. This applies to all vaccination clinics: booked bookings, drive-throughs / walk-ins, pharmacies, mobile clinics.

Priority frontline workers are also eligible.A list of those professions is available at Eligible priority groups can visit a drive-through or walk-in clinic, arrange an appointment with a participating pharmacy, or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to make an SHA appointment. You can make a reservation through the system. High-priority front-line workers are required to provide proof of employment (salary statement, letter from employer, or copy of professional license) at the time of vaccination.

Residents over 23 can book online Or call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829). You can also participate in scheduled drive-throughs and book at participating pharmacies. For details on how to make a reservation, please see the following URL. Please do not call until you can make an appointment for vaccination.

The Saskatchewan Department of Health plans drive-through clinics and walk-in clinics throughout the state. For the addresses and opening hours of these clinics, see.

A current list of pharmacies offering vaccinations is available at the following URL: Use the map tool to find a participating pharmacy near you.

There may be clinic options outside your community, and residents are encouraged to consider those alternative locations for vaccination. When traveling to another community for booking, avoid additional stops if possible. More clinics will be added as new vaccine shipments are received.

The Vaccination Clinic in Drayton, North Dakota has changed its opening hours. Eligible truck drivers and essential energy workers can receive the vaccine on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 10 am and 6 pm.

A second appointment for priority population is possible from Monday

As of Monday, May 17, anyone over the age of 85, or who took the first dose before February 15, is eligible to book a second dose. Individuals who have been diagnosed with or are being treated for cancer, and who have undergone a solid organ transplant, will receive a letter of eligibility by mail to make access to the second dose.

For all other residents, eligibility to book a second dose will be announced according to the age base and priority of the first dose.

Starting Monday, May 17th, a second vaccination will be available at participating pharmacies in the state through the Saskatchewan State Health Department (SHA) drive-through clinic and walk-in clinic, as well as clinics run by Canadian Indigenous Services and Northern Inter. Become. Tribal Health Department (NITHA).

Be prepared to know the date of your first vaccination. If you do not know the date, or if you misplace the wallet card provided during the first dose, call 1-833-SaskVax (1-833-727-5829) to provide the date or confirm vaccination. please. MySaskHealthRecord account history.

When booking a second dose, the clinic or pharmacy will verify the timing and brand of the first dose to ensure that you receive the second dose within the recommended time frame. The types of vaccines available at each location will be advertised to ensure that the same vaccine brand is received on the second vaccination.

At this time, public health plans to offer a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to match the brand of the first dose. A national review of the safety and efficacy of changing the second dose brand is underway, and the state policy on maintaining the same brand on the second dose has been updated following this review. There is a possibility that

Daily COVID-19 statistics

There are 196 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Saskatchewan on May 15, bringing the total to 44,364 cases across the state. Eight out-of-state tested cases have been added to the following zones: And North Central, 6.

Today, one new death is reported in the Regina Zone age group over 80.

The new case is in the next zone. Far Northeast, 4; Northwest, 19; North Central, 21; Northeast, 2; Saskatoon, 67; Central West, 3; Central East, 20; Regina, 26; Southwest, 9; South Central, 5; and Southeast, 13 . Four new cases hold residence information. Four cases with pending residence information are assigned to the following zones: And southeast, one. One previously unreported case has been added to the northeast zone.

A total of 41,776 and 2,072 collections are considered active.

There are 144 people in the hospital. 118 people are receiving inpatient treatment. Northwest, 5; North Central, 6; Saskatoon, 50; Central East, 3; Regina, 41; Southwest, 4; South Central, 5; and Southeast, 3. 26 people are in the intensive care unit. Northwest, one person. North Central, one. Saskatoon, 11; Central East, one. And Regina, 12.

The 7-day average of new COVID-19 cases is 193 (15.7 new cases per 100,000).

There were 3,511 COVID-19 tests processed in Saskatchewan on May 14, 2021.

To date, 819,738 COVID-19 tests have been processed in Saskatchewan. As of May 13, 2021, when figures for other states and countries were available, the per capita rate for Saskatchewan was 688,314 tests per million people. The national tax rate was 875,159.

As of May 14, screening in Saskatchewan identified 9,085 strains of concern and were reported in the following zones: Far Northeast, 12; Northwest, 373; North Central, 279; Northeast, 53; Saskatoon, 1,233; Central West, 97; Central East, 435; Regina, 4,348; Southwest, 313; South Central, 654; and Southeast , 942. There are 143 screened VOCs with pending residence.

There are 337 new strain results reported today. Of the 4,443 VOCs with strains identified by Saskatchewan whole genome sequencing, 4,341 are B. (UK), 87 are P.1 (Brazil), and 10 are B.1.351 (SA), 5 Is B.1.617 (Indian).

Negative COVID-19 test results on your mobile phone

Starting Wednesday, May 19th, you may be notified via an automated text messaging system that your COVID-19 test is negative. In preparation for this notification option, starting Friday, May 14, the Saskatchewan Department of Health (SHA) will introduce data collection through drive-through and online request forms for static test sites. All patients with a positive COVID-19 test will continue to receive public health calls, provide self-quarantine instructions, and complete contact tracing questions. If the COVID-19 test is negative, you can receive the result by text message on your mobile phone.

NITHA number

There are 28 active COVID-19 cases in the NITHA community.

These cases are in Far North Central (Athabaskan), one, Far North West, 10, Far North East, 17, and North East, 0. 3,481 cases (98%) recovered and one was hospitalized.

There are 10 active cases of COVID-19 Concern Variants (VOCs) in the NITHA community. These cases are in the far northwest (5) and far northeast (5).

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