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MDH reports 27 new cases of COVID in 9 county regions | News

MDH reports 27 new cases of COVID in 9 county regions | News


Mankato — According to the Minnesota Department of Health, a new case of COVID-19 on Sunday reported a single-digit increase in counties in all regions.

There are a total of 27 newly reported cases in 9 counties combined: 8 in Le Sueur County, 4 in Blue Earth County, 3 each in Brown County and Watonwan County, 2 each in Faribo, Martin, Nicorette and Waseca County, And one new case is Sibley County.

There were no additional deaths in the nine-county area on Sunday, MDH confirmed 10 new deaths across the state and a total of 805 newly reported cases of the virus in Minnesota.

That number follows the continuation of less than 1,000 state-wide cases, the lowest level seen in more than two months.

However, the pace of COVID vaccination in Minnesota remained close to the lowest point in more than two months, despite a slight increase.

On average over the past week, as of Sunday, the state has administered less than 36,000 vaccine doses per day. This is down from over 48,000 per day in early May and over 60,000 per day during peak April.

It’s unclear how Minnesota’s decision to withdraw state-wide masking orders as of Friday will affect future immunization efforts. Authorities, however, admit that they need to do more to get unvaccinated minesotan to get their shots.

“The virus is still in our community,” state infectious disease director Chris Elesmann told reporters Friday. “It’s still a huge threat to those who haven’t been vaccinated.”

Ehresmann said masks will be required in some settings, especially in medical facilities and public transport, even if the state’s mission is completed.

Despite the slow pace of vaccination, disease metrics continue to show that the surge in spring cases in Minnesota has eased. The trend for new cases is below 1,000 per day, the lowest in nearly two months.

The number of known active COVID-19 cases occurred at 8,793 on Sunday. This is less than half of the latest high in mid-April, about 20,000, the lowest level since March 17.

As of Friday, 464 people were hospitalized with COVID-19 in Minnesota. 123 needed intensive care. Both numbers have continued to decline since their recent peak. New hospitalizations have dropped significantly.

With 10 new deaths reported on Sunday, the Minnesota pandemic killed 7,296 people. About 60 percent of those who died lived in long-term care or living support facilities. Most had underlying health problems.

Regionally, all regions of Minnesota are in better condition than in late November and early December. The number of cases increased across the state in April, but the trend seems to have peaked.

The state has recorded a total of 594,427 cases confirmed or possible in a pandemic, including 805 posted on Sunday. Approximately 97% of Minnesotan, known to be pandemic and infected with COVID-19, have recovered until they no longer need to be isolated.

The overall trend is strong, but authorities are increasingly concerned about the spread of COVID-19 to young people. They encourage more tests for junior high and high school students and weekly tests for athletes, coaches, referees and other youth sports participants.

People in their twenties make up the age group with the most confirmed cases (more than 110,000) in the state since the pandemic began.

The number of high school adolescents identified with the disease is also increasing, with more than 48,000 adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 known to have been infected during a pandemic.

Young people are unlikely to be hospitalized for the worst effects of the illness, but experts are worried that they may unknowingly spread it to older relatives and members of other vulnerable groups. doing. People who have the COVID-19 virus can spread it when they are asymptomatic.


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