Accelerating Biological Aging: Premature baby boys age faster than men, studies show
According to a recent study by researchers at Edmonton-McMaster University, boys born under 1 kilogram are biologically 4.6 years older than men of the same age born at normal birth weight.
The study, published in a pediatric journal on Monday, found that accelerated aging can be affected by physiological stress on babies in utero and later in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital. Suggests.
Researchers at McMaster University have been tracking groups of “ultra-low birth weight” (ELBW) babies and their normal weight babies since 1977 as part of an observational study.
Using an epigenetic clock (a biochemical test used to measure age), researchers found 45 men preterm and 47 men born with normal birth weight between the ages of 30 and 35. Genetics were examined, biological ages were compared, and chronicity was managed. Health problems and sensory impairment.
They found that preterm men age earlier than men born at normal birth weight and are biologically about 4.6 years older.
“This cohort lasted from the late 70’s to the early 80’s, so I met and got acquainted many times … and they look like them, especially among men, because they’re close to my age. I noticed that there were people. The first author of the study, Ryan Van Leeshout, told CTV on the phone last week.
Biological age is a measure of physical age, not chronological age, based on various biomarkers. This number can change due to lifestyle and other health factors.
Researchers say preterm men may be accelerating aging due to the stress associated with high-risk preterm birth in utero and the large-scale, high-stress health care that lasts months after birth. I hypothesized that there is.
“When they were getting all of these life-saving measures because of all the stress they were experiencing both in utero and late in utero … we developed some of them. I’m starting to see that I had a health problem a while back, “says Van Lieshout.
As the cohort grows older, more research needs to be done, but Van Lieshout may predict that preterm men may be at increased risk of chronic illness in later years. It states that there is.
He said the study was not alarming, but the call for action to survivors of premature babies was eating a healthy diet, exercising, avoiding smoking, and good sleep.
“When these babies are born, they receive more medical intervention than anyone else in the system,” he said. “It is important not only to save them at that time, but also to keep an eye on their health and support them in childhood … until adolescence and even adulthood.”
This study is the world’s longest longitudinal study of ELBW babies and was attended by both male and female participants.
Interestingly, however, there was no difference in aging between the birth weight groups of female participants. This is a finding that may reinforce the hypothesis that prenatal and postnatal stress may be the cause.
Previous studies have shown that ELBW boys are more susceptible to prenatal stress than ELBW girls and have worse results than women.
“Preterm men tend to have much worse birth outcomes, so they tend to be smaller, have higher mortality, and may have more complications,” Van Lieshout explained.
“Girls usually give better results, both in newborns and in subsequent life, assuming that may be the reason why men age faster than female enemies and men of normal weight. I will. “
Van Lieshout and his team will follow up with a cohort in their 40s to conduct a more comprehensive study to assess aging and overall health.
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