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Some fully vaccinated people are still infected – this is why

Some fully vaccinated people are still infected – this is why



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The development of several COVID vaccines in less than a year has given us all the hope of being free from the pandemic. Currently, the goal is shifting to ensuring that widespread vaccination rates are achieved as quickly as possible. All over the world..

However, it is unlikely that any of the vaccines will be 100% effective in preventing the infection or infection. There is a small risk that some fully vaccinated people will be infected. This is known as a “breakthrough infection” and is fully anticipated.

It is important to be aware of the limitations of the vaccine. No vaccine provides complete protection for everyone who receives the vaccine.Measles vaccine is very effective in prevention , The virus is almost eradicated in some countries.

Nevertheless, infections have been reported even in extensively vaccinated populations. These infections occur not only in unvaccinated people.There are cases of groundbreaking infectious diseases Fully vaccinated people..

Seasonal influenza vaccines provide protection from circulating viruses. However, the circulating influenza virus varies, and vaccinated people can still get sick, Mild illness..

This is probably because different arms of the immune response produce different defenses. In other words, antibodies, which are Y-shaped proteins that fix and neutralize bacteria, and T cells, which find and destroy infected cells. Antibodies are usually produced against more variable proteins on the surface of the virus, but more consistent proteins within the virus are targeted by T cells. T cells are important for limiting the severity of the disease.

There is anecdotal evidence for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Including from Seychelles, A breakthrough infectious disease, but rarely published yet ..Recent report New England Journal of Medicine We described two COVID-19 cases after vaccination, both of which showed mild symptoms that resolved within a week.

And Research Researchers at Stanford University, who have not yet been reviewed by other scientists, describe 189 post-vaccination COVID cases out of 22,729 health workers, but at least some of these are part of it. It is due to vaccination. If such a breakthrough occurs, vaccination will probably reduce the severity of the disease.

Some explanation

There are several possible explanations for breakthrough infections. The human immune response is encoded in our DNA and varies from person to person. This variability helps us react to a range of bacteria. However, the effectiveness of these responses also varies. This can also be due to several causes, including poor health, medications, and age.

The aged immune system does not respond to new antigens (foreign substances that cause the immune system to produce antibodies), vaccines, and the young immune system. There was a measurable difference in concentration for one COVID vaccine Neutralizing antibodies in the elderly Compared to young adults. Some elderly participants had no neutralizing antibodies after both doses of the vaccine.

Another reason for breakthrough infections is due to viral variants that escape immune detection and thrive in vaccinated people. Viruses, especially “RNA viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2, are expected to mutate to give rise to mutants, some of which can be more easily transmitted.These variants can also be more or less effectively neutralized This is because mutations can alter the part of the virus that is recognized by antibodies and T cells.

A new SARS-CoV-2 mutant (B16172) identified in India More contagious, this is a source of concern COVID crisis Expand there. Despite the lack of scientific research, there have been many reports in the media of frequent breakthrough infections, condemning the B16172 variant, but this has not yet been proven.

In one study Infected with SARS-CoV-2 in California The risk of infection is not significantly increased Because of the variants circulating in the area.Despite that evidence Vaccines work well against mutantsThe rapid increase in the proportion of UK cases caused by B16172 compared to the predominant Kent strain (B117) is that Variant of concern According to Public Health England.

It should be mentioned that widespread vaccination is still at the end of the pandemic, but this is unlikely to prevent all infections. People who develop COVID after vaccination will probably have a mild illness. Therefore, the risk of breakthrough infections should not discourage the use of current vaccines. By further studying the causes of the breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection, scientists can improve the schedule of COVID vaccines and boosters.

Thousands of US vaccinated people infected with COVID-19

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Quote: COVID Vaccine: Some people who are fully vaccinated are still infected. That’s why May 17, 2021 (May 17, 2021) got it from html

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