Description of Rare COVID-19 Reactions in Children-ScienceDaily
One of the lasting mysteries of the COVID-19 pandemic is why most children tend to have fewer symptoms than adults after being infected with the coronavirus.Immune system reactions that occur in rare cases where children experience life-threatening reactions after infection may provide important insights, a yell-led study published in the journal. Immunity I will propose.
Many children infected with the virus have not been diagnosed as asymptomatic, but one in 1,000 children have been confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. After 4 to 6 weeks, you will experience a multisystem inflammatory reaction (MIS-C). .. This condition is characterized by a variety of symptoms, including abdominal pain with fever, vomiting and / or diarrhea, a rash, cardiovascular and neurological problems. If diagnosed early, the condition can be easily treated with immunosuppressive drugs such as steroids. However, if left untreated, it can be fatal.
“Why does this happen when the virus or antiviral reaction does not yet exist in the child? And why does it happen only in young people?” The author, Carrie Lucas, asked.
In a thorough analysis, Lucas and her lab tested blood from children with MIS-C, adults with severe COVID symptoms, and healthy children and adults. They found that children with MIS-C had different immune system characteristics than the other groups.
Specifically, children with MIS-C had high levels of allamine, a molecule that makes up part of the innate immune system that is rapidly mobilized to respond to all infectious diseases. Other findings suggest that the reaction of the child’s innate immune system may be stronger than that of the adult. This is one possible explanation for why people generally experience milder symptoms after infection.
“Innate immunity can be more active in children infected with the virus,” Lucas said. “But on the contrary, in rare cases, it can become too active and contribute to this inflammatory disease.”
Children diagnosed with MIS-C were also found to have a significantly elevated specific adaptive immune response. This is a defense against certain pathogens, such as the virus that causes COVID-19, and usually results in immunological memory. However, the reactions that occur in these affected children appear to attack the various host tissues that are characteristic of autoimmune diseases, instead of being protective.
Lucas speculates that the initial immune response in these rare cases causes a cascade that damages healthy tissue, which makes the tissue vulnerable to autoantibody attack.
Meanwhile, MIS-C’s unique immune system features may help with diagnostic and early treatment options for children at high risk of disability, Lucas said.
Story source:
material Provided by Yale University.. Original written by Bill Hathaway. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.
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