North Carolina researchers are developing vaccines that can protect against pandemics
Duke researchers have created a vaccine that has the potential to protect against all forms of coronavirus that travel from animals to humans. Now and in the future, NBC-affiliated WRAL will report. Duke experts held a briefing on Monday morning to discuss the vaccine. They believe that this vaccine can prevent future pandemics. Click on the video player above to see the latest headlines in WXII 12 News. Vaccines attack gene sequences that are common to all forms of coronavirus and allow them to bind to human cells. According to WRAL, the new vaccine was 100% effective in non-human tests. Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci called the new study “potentially exciting” and an important proof of concept. On Monday, Duke immunologists discussed their research and its implications. During a video conference. Vaccines work by taking a small portion of the virus (the part that actually attaches to the cells) and presenting multiple copies to the immune system. Dr. Kevin Saunders, an associate professor of surgery at Duke and head of research at the Vaccine Institute, said it could attach to cells and hopefully prevent subsequent infections. Sanders was the lead author of a new study published last week. According to the vaccine Saunders, it binds not only to COVID-19, but also to the coronavirus that circulates in animals. According to Dr. Barton, one of the reasons this vaccine was created so quickly is that it has been involved in the development of the HIV vaccine for 20 years. “We have published a paper on the breakthroughs in HIV vaccine development,” said Haynes, a professor of medicine and immunology at Duke Medical University and director of the Duke Human Vaccine Institute. It uses the same kind of technology and vaccine design that can be used for coronavirus. We knew that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was an RNA virus. This is the same type of genetic material used by the HIV virus. The HIV virus is one of the fastest-evolving organisms we know, as RNA viruses tend to make mistakes when replicating. SARS-CoV-2 was also known to produce variants that escape the immune system because the immune system produces antibodies, “said the new vaccine technology to prevent viral replication in the nose. Will be an important factor in. Haynes considers it an important time to plan the next coronavirus pandemic or outbreak, citing the fact that there have been two major outbreaks before COVID-19 in the last two decades. , And once in 2011, there is an outbreak of MERS, “he said. “So now is the time to provide vaccines to prepare for them, so that we can control outbreaks and prevent them from becoming pandemics. The future.”
Duke researchers have now and in the future created vaccines in the NBC line of WRAL that have the potential to protect against all forms of coronavirus that travel from animals to humans. Report..
Duke experts held a briefing on Monday morning to discuss the vaccine. They believe that this vaccine can prevent future pandemics.
Click on the video player above to see the latest headlines for WXII12 News.
Vaccines work by attacking gene sequences that are common to all forms of coronavirus, allowing them to bind to human cells. According to WRAL, the new vaccine is 100% effective in non-human testing.
Last week, Dr. Anthony Fauci called the new study “potentially exciting” and an important proof of concept.
On Monday, Duke immunologists discussed their research and its implications on a video conference phone.
Vaccines work by taking a small portion of the virus (the part that actually attaches to cells) and presenting multiple copies to the immune system.
“This allows the immune system to focus on the response to that part of the virus, preventing the virus from adhering to cells and hopefully preventing subsequent infections,” said Duke’s associate professor of surgery, the vaccine. Research in the laboratory.
Saunders was the lead author of a new study published last week.
According to Saunders, the vaccine binds not only to COVID-19, but also to the coronavirus that circulates in animals.
According to Dr. Barton Haynes, a professor of medicine and immunology at Duke University School of Medicine and director of Duke Human, one of the reasons this vaccine was created so quickly was because he had been involved in the development of the HIV vaccine for 20 years. is. Vaccine Research Institute.
“We have published a paper on the breakthroughs in HIV vaccine development,” said Haynes, who said he was using the same types of technology and vaccine design that could be used for the coronavirus.
“We knew that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was an RNA virus, which is the same type of genetic material used by the HIV virus,” Haynes told WRAL.
“The HIV virus is one of the fastest-evolving organisms we know, because RNA viruses tend to make mistakes when replicating. Also, SARS-CoV-2. Knew that it would also create variants that escape the immune system from the immune system. The system made antibodies against it. “
New vaccine technology will be an important factor in preventing viral replication in the nose and lungs.
Haynes believes that this is an important time to plan the next coronavirus pandemic or outbreak, citing the fact that there have been two major outbreaks before COVID-19 in the last two decades.
“Once in 2003, SARS outbreaks, 2011, MERS outbreaks,” he said.
He certainly expects others to be there.
“So now is the time to provide vaccines to prepare for them, so that we can control outbreaks now and prevent them from becoming pandemics in the future.”
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