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Get the first colonoscopy at 45 instead of 50

Get the first colonoscopy at 45 instead of 50


By Cara Murez
Health Day Reporter

Tuesday, May 18, 2021 (HealthDay News)-Many people consider the age of 50 to be a magical number to undergo their first colonoscopy, but earlier is better in the United States. The prestigious panel of experts is currently speaking.

Based on evidence that young people are being diagnosed Colon cancer The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has changed the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening from 50 to 45 to benefit from screening.

Recommendations are for all asymptomatic adults and individuals without a history of health. Colon polyps Or the family health history of hereditary diseases that increase risk, the Task Force pointed out.

Dr. Jungwon, Chief Scientific Officer of the USPSTF, said: “There is a new science for colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50, which has allowed us to extend our recommendations to people between the ages of 45 and 49.”


The USPSTF is an independent volunteer group of health professionals from a variety of disciplines, but their recommendations are important. For example, the Affordable Care Act has associated USPSTF recommendations with its insurance coverage requirements.

The Task Force does not have enough evidence to show the benefits of lowering the screening age, Wong said, but called for additional research.

The American Cancer Society has already recommended screening for this younger age group, and in 2018 changed that recommendation from 45 to 49 years.

Robert Smith, senior vice president of cancer screening at the Camaro for a Cause, said changes to the USPSTF recommendations would reduce confusion about which recommendations to follow and the coverage of insurance for early screening. I will.

“Frankly, I want doctors and the general public to recognize the value of starting screening at age 45, rather than deferring screening until after age 50, as many do. “Mr. Smith said. “Not everyone starts screening immediately at age 50. They usually postpone it until their mid-50s.”


According to some estimates, one-quarter to one-third of the already recommended age group of 50-75 years is also the third leading cause of cancer death in the United States. Nonetheless, they are not being screened on time.

“This recommendation on colorectal cancer screening is an important precaution to help all people between the ages of 45 and 75 lead a longer and healthier life,” Wong said.

Keeping in mind that black adults have a particularly high incidence of colorectal cancer and are more likely to die of the disease, the Task Force confirms that doctors contact black patients and are regularly screened. I urged you.

You should also consult your doctor if changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, or darkening of your stool may be a sign of bleeding.

According to Wong, colon cancer can be screened for several types of tests. Some can be done at home. There are some things you can do at the clinic. Patients can consult their doctor to find a test that suits them.


The Task Force recommended both direct visualization tests such as colonoscopy and stool-based tests. According to a Task Force statement, a good test is a test for screening. The Cancer Society also recommends stool tests or direct visualization tests. Visualization tests also include sigmoidoscopy or CT colonography.

“Screening can prevent the disease and detect it early,” Smith said.

According to Smith, there is more than one answer to why young people have colon cancer.Editorial with new recommendations-published online May 18 Journal of American Medical Association -He said that changing diets and lifestyles can reduce risk.

The Task Force estimates that about 53,000 Americans will die of colon cancer this year.

The USPSTF has not changed its recommendations for seniors between the ages of 76 and 85.

“We recognize that its benefits and harms depend on the individual’s overall health, such as whether they were previously screened, their circumstances and preferences, and therefore of this age group. People say screening is perfect for them. ”


Evidence used to make new recommendations included randomized controlled trials and USPSTF modeling studies.

For more information

More American Cancer Society Colon cancer screening..

Source: Dr. John Wong, Chief Scientific Officer and Vice Chairman, Clinical Issues, US Preventive Medicine Commission, Rockville, Maryland. Dr. Robert Smith, Senior Vice President of Cancer Screening, Atlanta Cancer Society. Journal of American Medical Association, May 18, 2021


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