A teenager vaccinated with COVID-19 will talk about what to do this summer once fully vaccinated.

Teens on Sundi’s vaccination site will talk about what to do this summer once they are fully vaccinated.
(Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) West Jordan’s Christopher Whitehead, 13, was vaccinated against COVID-19 in the mountains by children aged 12 to 15 years after receiving the first Pfizer vaccine by EMT Sean Murphy. I received a bandade because I received it. The American Expo Center was held in Sundi on Tuesday, May 18, 2021.
Sean Murphy has the secret to relaxing when a teenage boy is nervous about being bitten by a COVID-19 vaccination.
Murphy, an EMT working at the Salt Lake County Health Department’s mass vaccination site at the Sandy’s Mountain America Expo Center, submits a standard questionnaire to each person. He looks up the list of potential health conditions and asks with the boys, “Are you pregnant or breastfeeding?” And stops for a moment.
This question made 13-year-old Christopher Whitehead from West Jordan smile and his father Chris laughed.
Whitehead was one of several children who visited the Sundi Clinic on Tuesday. Pfizer version of vaccine approved for children ages 12 to 15..
“I want to get the COVID vaccine back to normal,” said young Whitehead, a Jefferson Middle School student. “Take your friends to parties, go to restaurants, go to such places, play soccer.”
Gabe Moreno, a spokesman for the Salt Lake County Health Department, recently stopped by up to 500 people per day to get vaccinated at the Expo Center’s vaccination site. The site saw a surge of people last weekend, many of whom were just qualified between the ages of 12 and 15.
For sisters Alison and Isabella Price (15 and 14 years old) from Heliman, the incentive to get vaccinated is a summer trip to Hawaii. Their dad, Eric, said the girl plans to leave for Hawaii a week after receiving her second Pfizer dose in June.
The Price family was attacked by COVID-19 during the Christmas holidays, and the sisters are eager to be behind the pandemic.
Allison, who belongs to musicals and choirs, means that this vaccine “has a lot of after-school activities, so you don’t have to worry about masks.” “I’m a little worried that I can get a COVID when I do those activities. It’s great to have that relief that I’ll be much harder to get it. Will be. “
Her sister Isabella attends Fort Heliman Middle School (father is principal) but plays in the color guard at Mountain Ridge High School. She practices in a marching band during the summer — working with many people. “In some cases, you might go without a mask [counts] “Drop,” she said.
Wendy Dewey, a registered nurse who is one of the health care workers vaccinated on Tuesday, said children aged 12 to 15 were “amazing.” “Most of them were really brave, and most of them are really excited to get it-because they see it as a way back with their friends.”
Bringing a plaster with images of Marvel Comics characters Iron Man and Captain America, Brinbury of the Registered Nurse said:
It’s Christopher Whitehead’s plan when he was completely vaccinated. “I’m probably going to a place like a lagoon with my friends,” he said. “Some big things to make up for the year.”
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