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Recommended colorectal cancer screening for people over 45 years old


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In recent years, the incidence of colorectal cancer has increased in people under the age of 50.Wave break media / offset image
  • The incidence of colon cancer in people under the age of 50 has increased significantly over the last decade.
  • In response, the US Preventive Medicine Committee has issued revised guidelines to change the recommended starting age for colon cancer screening from 50 to 45 years.
  • Screening includes stool tests, endoscopy, or computer tomography colonoscopy and colonoscopy.

Recent studies show an increasing incidence of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50 who appear to be healthy, and health officials are taking action.

The· United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Today issued a new guideline recommending that colon cancer screening begin at age 45 instead of age 50.

About 90% of Colorectal cancer Cases occur in people over the age of 50, and cases of colorectal cancer Rise For adults under the age of 50, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Research Release In April 2021, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that colorectal cancer was estimated to be the leading cause of cancer-related death by 2030 in groups aged 20-49.

“We are seeing a clear increase in colorectal cancer in the younger generation.” Haddon Pantel, MD, a colorectal surgeon at Yale Medicine, said in a statement.

new Guidelines It was after the USPSTF announced its first draft recommendation in October last year to reduce the recommended age for starting screening for colorectal cancer from 50 to 45.

Now, a new comparative modeling study Release JAMA confirmed that regular screening for colorectal cancer not only reduced the lifetime risk of dying from being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, but also had the greatest benefit to those who started screening at age 45. I have.

“A large number of people in the United States do not receive this life-saving prevention service,” said Dr. Michael Burry, Vice-Chairman of the Task Force, in a statement released today. “This new recommendation to screen people aged 45-49 and the long-standing recommendation to screen people aged 50-75 combine to prevent more people from dying from colorectal cancer. hoping.”

Screening includes stool tests, endoscopy, or computed tomography colonography and colonoscopy.

This survey is based on the results of the 2016 USPSTF survey. Research, This was the basis of the previous recommendation to start screening at age 50.

According to, certain people are at increased risk of developing colorectal cancer David Byrne, MD, Northwell Health, New York, Gastrointestinal Diseases Specialist. There are some risk factors that we can change and some risk factors that we cannot change.

“I fully agree with that [the new guideline]”Bernstein said. “And I think it makes perfect sense to do this.”

He said other risks were involved:

  • Eat a lean meaty diet
  • Have obesity
  • smoking
  • Drinking

Bernstein is on the health line for people with inflammatory bowel disease, especially Ulcerative colitis, People with a family history of colon cancer, Lynch syndrome Or Familial adenomatous polyposis..

“Given what risk factors are, some are out of control, such as family history, and some are controllable,” he said. “Perhaps you can reduce the amount of lean meat you eat, you can exercise and you can lose weight.”

He also points out that if you are smoking or drinking a significant amount of alcohol, you may be able to find help to stop it.

Colorectal polyp cancer Is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths.

the study African Americans are affected by imbalances, with more than 20% higher incidence of colon cancer than whites, indicating an even greater difference in mortality.

“In the United States, the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer is higher in the African-American population, especially in men, than in other racial or ethnic groups. In this group, colorectal cancer is also 50 years old. Less than will occur at a higher rate. ” Elena Ivanina, DO, Gastroenterologist at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.

The reasons behind the incidence of these colon cancers in African Americans require more balanced and representative studies, but due to inequality and racism in treatment and access to health care. There may be.

According to Ivanina, the most important action you can take to prevent this disease is regular colonoscopy, in addition to making the necessary lifestyle changes.

“The most important way to prevent or reduce the risk of developing colon cancer is to have a colonoscopy to get rid of precancerous polyps,” she said. “Other lifestyle factors include getting regular physical activity and eating. [balanced], High fiber diet. “

“I think it’s important to understand that individuals at average risk can be screened for colon cancer by stool-based or visual examination,” he said. Dolly Radel Ferraro, DNP, ANP-BC, Clinical Associate Professor of Adelphi’s College of Nursing and Public Health.

She explained that colonoscopy is a procedure performed by inserting a long, flexible tube with a camera at its end into the rectum.

“This allows doctors to visualize the large intestine to detect abnormalities such as polyps and tumors, and to take tissue samples as needed,” explains Ferraro.

“Not everyone needs to have a colonoscopy,” she added.

According to Ferraro, other colorectal cancer screening tests include a much less invasive stool-based test performed annually, including:

Ferraro emphasized the role of nurse practitioners in screening and preventing colon cancer.

“They can assess the patient’s risk. Advise the patient on a healthy lifestyle, weight maintenance, regular physical activity, and diet. Discuss screening with the patient in accordance with the updated USPSTF recommendations. “She said.

Bernstein said there were certain signs to watch out for.

“Changes in bowel habits, especially newly developed constipation,” he said. “Suddenly, when they start to notice that their stools are narrow, we call them pencil-thin stools,” he added.

Another symptom to watch out for is “red blood draws and unexplained abdominal pain.”

But he warned that the problem was that most people showed no symptoms. That is why colonoscopy is so important.This test not only finds cancer, but prevents it by actually finding it Abnormal growth (polyp) It is a precursor to cancer.

“Colon endoscopy not only detects cancer, but also prevents it,” Bernstein said. “That is, you can find and remove small polyps. Many of them would have changed and become cancerous in the future.”

He explained that early screening begins in a better way because colonoscopy prevents colon cancer by both removing precancerous lesions and finding the cancer itself.

“It makes perfect sense to reduce the recommendations from 50 to 45, and I believe it will save lives,” he said.

Bernstein emphasized that if colon cancer is found before it spreads out of the colon, regardless of its size, it has a “good prognosis.”

The incidence of colon cancer in people under the age of 50 has increased significantly over the last decade. In response, the USPSTF has issued revised guidelines to change the recommended starting age for colon cancer screening from 50 to 45 years.

According to experts, colonoscopy not only detects cancer, but also saves lives by preventing cancer by detecting precancerous polyps.

Lifestyle measures that help prevent colon cancer include losing lean meat, maintaining weight, avoiding smoking, and drinking excessive alcohol.


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