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A real doctor will answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine

A real doctor will answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine


WESH 2 focuses on answering questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. We work with local doctors to get the information you want to know. Do you have a question you would like to answer? Click here to send. WESH 2 News will answer these questions for a week. What do we know about the effects of vaccines on people who have had a stroke? Christina Amad said health officials have never seen different side effects between stroke patients and those without stroke. “The CDC has not published specific guidelines for people with stroke. People with stroke generally have other underlying illnesses. Available because of the increased risk of severe infections. If so, it is advisable to get a vaccine. ”If I have been vaccinated but still have symptoms, do I need a COVID test? These vaccines are very effective and very good. However, if you have symptoms, you will need to be tested because the number of people is very small. Who gets infected after vaccination? “How effective is the vaccine?” Initially, they said it was 69%, but now it’s 100 proofs? “Nothing can be 100% proven in life. Data show that Pfizer is 95% effective, Moderna is 94.5% and J & J is 72%. But in the end, all three vaccines are for serious illness. Does the vaccine not only protect teens, but also adults? Do many people want to know if vaccines not only protect teens, but also adults? 15 years old. Their data and trials show that it is 100% effective for teens aged 12 to 15 years, making it a very effective vaccine. “What happens if the shot goes into the tissue of the arm instead of the muscle? Dr. Ahutab Khan, a physician, said the vaccine should be given deep into the muscles of the upper arm.” This is a good question because it needs to be given to the patient. Those who have been vaccinated and are not deeply infused should be given subcutaneously. “Is it safe to drink alcohol after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?” Dr. Rajiv Barr, a physician in emergency medicine, said he could take a glass or two after vaccination. It’s a vaccine, but to be safe. “Part of the first trial of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. Those who were were forbidden to drink during that time. Therefore, there is really no evidence that it reduces antibody production. It is highly recommended that alcohol be taken in a safe manner, as tolerance may be slightly reduced after vaccination and interaction may be negligible. So you can drink it, just do it safely. If you need a booster, do you need to keep the type of vaccine given first? Dr. Michael Ten, a virologist at the University of South Florida, said the study is underway. “Theoretically it should work, but I can’t really say until the study is complete.” Long-term vaccines Are there any side effects? Physician Dr. Ahutab Khan said it wasn’t long anymore-the long-term side effects of the vaccine. “Usually, if many vaccines have side effects, they last for a few days. There is no long-term data that they cause long-term side effects.” Is it worth the vaccine for young people? Physician Aftab Dr. Kahn recommends vaccination of young people. ”Pfizer is conducting trials between the ages of 2 and 11. We already know that Pfizer is approved at the age of 12-15. It is good to vaccinate all age groups. ”

WESH 2 focuses on answering questions about the COVID-19 vaccine.

We work with your local doctor to get the information you want to know.

Do you have a question you want to answer? Click here to send. WESH 2 News will answer these questions for a week.

What do we know about the effects of vaccines on people who have had a stroke?

Dr. Christina Amad said health officials have never seen different side effects between stroke patients and non-stroke patients.

“The CDC has not published specific guidelines for people who have had a stroke. People who have had a stroke generally have other underlying illnesses that increase the risk of severe infections, so when available. It is advisable to vaccinate against. “”

Do I need a COVID test if I have symptoms, even if I have been vaccinated?

“These vaccines are very effective and really great, but if you have symptoms, you need to be tested because very few people get infected after vaccination.”

How effective is the vaccine?

“Initially, they said it was 69%, is it 100 proof now?”

“Nothing can be 100% proven in life. Data show that Pfizer is 95% effective, Moderna is 94.5% and J & J is 72%. But in the end, all three vaccines are for serious illness. It has a powerful effect. “

Do vaccines protect teens in the same way they protect adults?

Did many people want to know if vaccines protect teens as well as adults?

“Yes, as you know, Pfizer has recently been approved by the FDA and CDC for ages 12-15. Their data and trials show that they are 100% effective for teenagers ages 12-15. Because it is a very effective vaccine. “”

What if the shot goes into the arm tissue instead of the muscle?

Physician Dr. Ahutab Khan said the vaccine should be given deep into the muscles of the upper arm.

“It’s a good question because any vaccine needs to be given deep in the muscle. People who have been vaccinated and haven’t penetrated subcutaneously or deeply into adipose tissue are less effective and can be harmful. There is. “

Is it safe to drink alcohol after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

Dr. Rajiv Barr, an emergency physician, said that after vaccination, one or two glasses can be taken, but it is safe to take.

“People who participated in the first trial of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were unable to drink alcohol during that time. Therefore, there is really no evidence that antibody production is reduced. Now you consume alcohol. If you intend, we definitely recommend that you do it in a safe way, as resistance can be slightly reduced after vaccination and interactions can be negligible. You can. Please go safely. “

If I need a booster, do I need to keep the type of vaccine given originally?

Dr. Michael Ten, a virologist at the University of South Florida, said research is underway to understand it.

“Theoretically it should work, but I can’t really say until the research is complete.”

Do vaccines have long-term side effects?

Physician Dr. Ahutab Khan said the vaccine has no long-term side effects.

“Usually, if many vaccines cause side effects, it lasts for several days. There are no long-term data that say it causes long-term side effects.”

If you are a young person, is it worth the vaccination?

Physician Dr. Ahutab Khan recommends vaccination of young people.

“Currently, Pfizer is conducting trials between the ages of 2 and 11. We already know that Pfizer is approved between the ages of 12 and 15. It’s good to vaccinate all age groups. That is. “


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