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A study led by Irish scientists reveals the “Achilles tendon” of more than 700 cancer cells


Thousands of weaknesses known asAchilles “Heels” have been identified by researchers at Queen’s University Belfast in more than 700 different cancer cell types.

The discovery of “cancer vulnerabilities” using DNA technology and computer analysis of large amounts of genetic data may lead to new ways to track cancer cells.

They say this can be done not only by using existing drugs, but also by creating potentially new targets for drug development through enhanced “precision oncology”.

According to researchers, these drugs can even be used to fight cancers that are resistant to current standard treatments, the findings of which have been published in the journal Nucleic Acids Research.

“Understanding the molecular fingerprints of cancer can help us identify how to accurately target the most effective patients. Our job is to take a step towards more effective and personalized cancer treatments. We’ll take a step forward and ultimately save lives, “he explained. Ian Overton, Based in the Patrick G Johnston Cancer Research Center in Queens.

Cancer usually has many mutations that can cause a genetic weakness or an “Achilles tendon.” For example, cancer is often more dangerous by mutating to stop several protective genes called tumor suppressor genes, making tumors dependent on backup genes.

“Chemical hammer”

“Therefore, you can kill cancer cells by hitting the backup gene with a’chemical hammer’,” Dr. Overton said.

The research program identifies thousands of backup genes in more than 700 cancer cell types and provides intelligence to design more effective treatments for cancer.

They have opened a window to share these abundant resources with researchers throughout the scientific community with the aim of making the results available via a special genomics web server and accelerating the progress of cancer research. ..

Mark WappetThe head of bioinformatics at Almac Discovery in Queens, who led the study, said: Ultimately, we hope that expanding the scope of this data will facilitate more targeted and effective cancer treatments. “

Dr Simon McDade, a functional genomics group at Queen’s, has confirmed that resources are set up to ultimately benefit cancer patients.

“This study is an important resource for researchers around the world to extract valuable data from functional genomics screening and has the potential to bring significant benefits to cancer patients in the long run.”

This project was a collaboration between Queens and Queens. Vanderbilt University In the United States.

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