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Vaccinated people are still catching Covid-19

Vaccinated people are still catching Covid-19


It sounds like a nightmare-people vaccinated with COVID test positive and rarely die.

They are known as “breakthrough cases of vaccines”. And although they are rare, experts say they are expected because there are no 100% effective vaccines.

But new issues are significant when and how Australia and other countries reopen their borders, especially when new strains of the virus emerging in India and South Africa are more resistant to first-generation vaccines. Affect.

Good news? Experts say they also confirm that the vaccine is working because people who have been vaccinated with COVID are asymptomatic and do not get sick.

However, there are concerns that thousands of breakthrough cases of vaccines are beginning to occur in the United States, where more than 115 million people are fully vaccinated.

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention In the United States, as of April 26, there were 9245 “vaccine breakthroughs” cases.

One in four of those people was positive, but had no symptoms.

However, 132 people, or 1 percent of the breakthrough infections, died. Twenty of those deaths were asymptomatic or probably unrelated to COVID-19.

Those who die are generally older or immunosuppressed and more vulnerable to COVID.

In Seychelles, the outbreak of COVID in one of the most vaccinated areas on the planet has also raised concerns for health professionals around the world.

Over one-third of those who tested positive for COVID-19 in the week leading up to May 8 were completely vaccinated.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is the easiest way for Australians to get back to normal life, but millions of people are hesitant to get a jab. Our best shot The campaign will answer your questions regarding the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Epidemiologists warn that it is only a matter of time before more so-called “vaccine breakthrough” cases are detected in Australia when the border reopens.

Professor Tony Blakely of the University of Melbourne describes it as basic mathematics. Even if the vaccine is 95% effective, it means that 1 in 20 vaccinated people can become infected with the virus and spread, even if they do not get sick or die.

“If the vaccine is 90% effective and the majority of the population is vaccinated, at some point there will be more vaccinated cases,” Blakely told ..

“As more people are vaccinated, more cases will be seen.

“There is no perfect vaccine, but the chances of getting infected with COVID and dying are much lower.”

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Indeed, earlier this month Six international travelers who reported being completely vaccinated tested positive for COVID-19 During hotel quarantine in Sydney.

Don’t forget to get both jabs, as experts say that people who have been vaccinated once with the COVID vaccine and have never been infected are more likely to get the COVID.

Recently, the Oklahoma Department of Health has identified breakthrough cases of 258 vaccines.

CNN recently reported In a week, nine COVID-19 outbreaks occurred in fully vaccinated members of the New York Yankees organization.

Of those who tested positive, 8 out of 9 cases were asymptomatic. They were taken up only for strict team testing protocols, raising the prospect that the number of communities could grow further.

Dr. Costi Sifri, an infectious disease specialist and hospital epidemiologist at the University of Virginia, told CNN:

“These infections that occurred, the so-called breakthrough infections, were, importantly, mostly mild to moderate infections.”

Experts share the lesson that the United States and the world need to do more research on breakthrough cases of vaccines.

US virologist Rick Bright recently told MarketWatch that more genomic testing is needed.

“I’ve been working on a pandemic response for decades. Whenever something bad happens, we never understand what it will happen and how bad it will be. Seems like, “he said.

“Every time we get over it, we always say:’We will do all these things and make it better. [and] Make sure it never happens again. And we don’t do that. There is this cycle of panic, then regrets and forgets.

“We are now [genomic] I’m doing sequence processing, but it’s not working well and it’s not working smartly.

“We need to consider breakthrough cases for those vaccines.”


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