Prince Harry performs EMDR to deal with the trauma of Princess Diana’s death
Prince Harry, Its mother Princess Diana has passed away Violently and suddenly when he was 12 years old, he shared intimately over the past few years about the mental health effects of his trauma and how treatment helped to cope with his suffering.With his new Apple TV + documentary on mental health When Oprah Winfrey Harry, aired on Friday, shares his experience with EMDR, a particular treatment he found to be particularly effective.
Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) was developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in the 1980s to help people relieve the pain around painful memory. This treatment, which has been used by clinicians for decades, has become an increasingly popular and sought-after treatment for dealing with traumatic or harmful life experiences.
In the documentary, Harry shows viewers the experience of using EMDR to deal with the discomfort they feel when flying to London. This reminds me of the loss of my mother, he said. Harry says he feels nervous, tense, and depressed. He thinks of “hunting,” “helplessness,” and “no escape.”
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During the session, Harry can be seen tapping each shoulder alternately as the clinician encourages him to follow his memory, sensations, and negative emotions. The clinician continues to ask questions about the texture of the memory and eventually what he wants to feel instead. As the treatment progresses, Harry says he moves to a place of “calmness” and “strength.”
Wendy Bird, EMDR’s professional counselor and president of the board, said: International Association. “When I was trained in 2008, I had to explain what EMDR was and tell my clients why I thought it was such a good treatment. For EMDR I.”
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Harry said that dealing with his trauma was essential to both his own well-being and the health of his relationship with his wife, Duchess of Sussex, Harry experimented with EMDR after many years of traditional behavior therapy. I said I did.
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life is that sometimes I need to go back and deal with really unpleasant situations so that I can handle them and heal them,” he said.
USA TODAY talked to Bird about how EMDR works and who it helps.
What is EMDR?
EMDR works with adaptive information processing systems by bringing past traumatic experiences into a safe space, allowing the brain to essentially reprocess them.
“EMDR can heal the brain from traumatic or harmful or overwhelming experiences by allowing the brain to process that information and store it in the way it currently knows. It’s me already, “Bird said.
The basic principle of EMDR lies in the so-called adaptive information processing system. Our brain and body have built-in mechanisms for information processing. However, sometimes the mechanism can be overwhelmed, especially when experiencing trauma.
According to Bird, when new information comes in that resembles that unfavorable experience, the brain stores it in the same place as the original trauma. This can make non-threatening things in your daily life feel very dangerous.
“It’s the blue car driving the road, or the bark of a dog, or the face of your spouse in that one distorted way, and suddenly you’re upset, you’re triggered and overwhelmed Will be done, “she said.
How do clinicians perform EMDR?
Bird said in an EMDR session that clinicians would ask questions to uncover components of memory that include sensory information such as sight, sound, and smell. The clinician asks how your body felt during the experience, how it felt during the experience, that is, the emotional information that leads to that memory.
Ultimately, the clinician adds eye movements or tapping. This is called bilateral stimulation. Studies show that eye movements facilitate information processing and calm a person’s physiology.
“It makes something that feels upset and reduces upset. It helps the brain make very clear and unclear images, partly because of what we call double attention, So I’m in the room with the therapist, or beyond zooming, I’ve been thinking about that experience lately, and that’s all the elements the brain needs to engage in its adaptive information processing mechanism. “
Part of the reprocessing occurs when the clinician introduces positive things to the recall. The therapist asks, “What do you want to think about that experience now?”
“It brings current information, maybe it’s over, or you’ve learned from it, or now you’re now worth it,” she said.
What is the most effective stimulus during EMDR?
In the documentary, Harry uses tapping as a stimulus. While eye movements have been the most studied, Bird has proven that other stimuli are effective.
“It really becomes a client’s favorite,” she said. “Some people may not be able to actually tolerate eye movements for a variety of reasons, or something may be happening where we choose a different stimulus.”
Who are the good candidates for EMDR?
According to Bird, EMDR is effective against many types of trauma and most people are good candidates for treatment. EMDR is effective whether someone is trying to deal with a single traumatic event such as a car accident or a chronic experience such as bullying.
Viewers learn through Harry’s clinician that he has three or four particularly disastrous memories. According to Bird, those who have a complete EMDR treatment plan may have some memories they want to target, but they also treat patients who have only one experience to deal with.
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Does EMDR work for children?
EMDR is effective for children, and Bird said it is always desirable to deal with trauma early.
“What we know about adversity is that it can sit down and cause harm, and in later years it can cause chronic illness, chronic pain, mental illness, etc.,” she said. .. “It’s quick and fast to take care of the trauma, remove it from the nervous system, and deal with it, and it improves the overall health of the person.”
How long does it take for EMDR to take effect?
According to Bird, EMDR can be effective in a single session, but people generally work longer to get the most benefit. Bird had a client who had a serious car accident and was able to complete treatment in three 90-minute sessions. Other clients have been on treatment for over 6 months.
“It really depends on what the person brings in and how their life experience shaped what is happening,” she said.
Does EMDR work on zoom?
At the beginning of the pandemic, Bird was worried that EMDR would not be very effective during the video conference. But she was relieved to find that it worked well even if the client and her patient were not in the same physical space. There are computer programs that help clinicians stimulate bilateral stimulation and eye movements.
“Obviously, there will be exceptions that you want to meet people in person because of the acuity of what they are dealing with, but last year I taught most of us that EMDR can be done very well and remotely.” She said.
What are your hopes for the patient after completing the EMDR?
Patients work with clinicians to identify the future outcomes they desire: how they want to think, feel, and act in the world. On Bird’s side, she’s trying to build resilience.
“I hope it’s very difficult to find their trigger,” she said.
Bird recommends that anyone with a painful memory consider EMDR.
“People sometimes feel that what happened to them isn’t big enough. They should be able to get over it …. and it can make them feel better and they feel better. It breaks my heart because I know it’s worth it, “she said. “I know people can get in and can understand some of what’s happening causing them pain, and before they can get some relief. I hope it’s not a long journey. “
EMDR resources you may be interested in:
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