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Public health practices are advancing as black immunization rates continue to lag.


Dr. Rochelle P. Warrensky, Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provided a new risk assessment to the public on May 16. [off] Your mask and you are not at risk of serious illness or hospitalization due to COVID-19, “she says. Said During the appearance of Fox News Sunday. “If you are not vaccinated, it is not safe. Please be vaccinated or keep wearing a mask.”

Get vaccinated or keep wearing a mask. This is a simple statement like this: Relaxation of COVID-19 vaccination eligibility guidelines Increased vaccine production sounds easy enough. Sure, go get a shot! Anyone who wants it! This is not difficult! That sounds simple, but the latest vaccination numbers show that it is not the perfect answer to the general inequality of pandemics.

only 38 percent The country is fully vaccinated and African Americans are less vaccinated. A Kaiser Health News Analysis of CDC Vaccination Data This week, only 22% of African Americans were vaccinated, and in most states the proportion of blacks vaccinated was found to lag behind the proportion of white residents. This is a serious failure in vaccine deployment, especially given what blacks have experienced. Some of the worst COVID-19 Results-Problems fueled by systematic racism, exacerbated by the high likelihood of doing essential work and low access to quality medical care.

This reality is one of the reasons why the CDC’s call to end masking for vaccinated people is suspended. This decision is deeply rooted in the science of viral infections. The vaccine is not only good at preventing symptomatic COVID-19, but also Prevention of infection For most people, except the elderly and people with immunodeficiency. For those who may have a breakthrough infection, it is unlikely to be severe and the viral load may be low. All of this results in less spread to the community of vaccinated people.

There is a caveat: people who have been vaccinated.

As long as significant barriers to vaccination remain, a safe, maskless future for everyone will be out of reach, and black Americans Likely to face Those barriers. This includes being unable to take time off from work to get vaccinated and not having enough sick leave in the event of severe symptoms in the days following firing. Lack of access to reliable transportation. There is no reliable internet access to navigate or try to use the crude booking portal. Location of inaccessible vaccine sites, Or General lack of location..

It is impossible to know the actual vaccination status of an unmasked person unless they decide to truly share that information.Risk of unvaccinated people Agreement And spread COVID-19 because the virus mutates and is probably more contagious or deadly. Herd immunity can protect most people, including those who are not vaccinated, by force or choice, but more people need access to the vaccine to reach herd immunity. .. The CDC guidance does not provide recommendations on how to perform masking for unvaccinated people, unless there is a specific obligation on how to do so. Spread may increase.. It is reasonable to assume that if spreads increase, the most vulnerable of unvaccinated Americans will suffer. again. (This includes people with immunodeficiency.)

Temporarily, the CDC only advises unvaccinated people to keep their masks on, even if they come off. And while it is clear that vaccinated people will generally be well in this situation, this is the millions of unvaccinated Americans in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. Where do you leave people (many of whom are particularly at a disadvantage)? It’s a tricky situation, and marginalized communities tend to bear those brunts. Leaving it unresolved contradicts many public gestures made by the current administration to save the lives of blacks.

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