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300 new COVID-19 cases reported Friday in Utah, 10 deaths, vaccinations above 18K

300 new COVID-19 cases reported Friday in Utah, 10 deaths, vaccinations above 18K


Salt Lake City — Utah COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) The number of cases increased by 300 on Friday, another 10 died, and 18,716 vaccinations were reported.

Nine of the deaths occurred before April 21, but were under investigation by state inspectors, according to the Utah Department of Health.

According to the Ministry of Health, the average number of positive cases per day for 7 days is currently 284. The daily positive test rate for that period, calculated by the “person-to-person” method, was 6.4%. The daily positive test rate for that period, calculated using the “test overtest” method, was 3.4%.

According to state data, there are currently 136 COVID-19 patients in Utah, 54 of whom are in the intensive care unit. Currently, about 76% of all ICU beds in Utah are occupied, including about 80% of the ICU beds in 16 referral hospitals in the state. Currently, about 59% of non-ICU hospital beds are used in the state.

The state has a total of 2,482,804 vaccinations. Thursday 2,464,088.. A total of 1,433,417 Utahns are currently vaccinated at least once, and 1,155,807 are fully vaccinated, according to state data. To date, a total of 3,014,227 vaccines have been shipped to Utah, with Friday being the first day reported to exceed 3 million.

According to the Ministry of Health, about 44.7% of Utah’s total population is at least first vaccinated and 36.1% are fully vaccinated. Of the Utahns aged 12 and over who are currently eligible for vaccination, 55.3% have been vaccinated at least once and 44.6% have been fully vaccinated.

The new numbers show a 0.07% increase in positive cases since Thursday. Of the 2,658,131 people who have been tested for COVID-19 in Utah, 15.2% have tested positive for COVID-19. The total number of tests conducted since the Utah pandemic began has increased by 8,851 since Thursday to 4,857,128. Of these, 4,321 were tested by people who had never previously been tested for COVID-19.

The 10 deaths reported on Friday are:

  • A woman from Salt Lake County who was a resident of a long-term care facility between the ages of 65 and 84.
  • A woman in Salt Lake County who was over 85 years old and was not hospitalized when she died.
  • Two Salt Lake County women over the age of 85 who were residents of a long-term care facility.
  • A woman in Salt Lake County between the ages of 65 and 84 who was hospitalized when she died.
  • Two Salt Lake County men between the ages of 65 and 84 who were hospitalized at the time of death.
  • A man in Salt Lake County, over 85, who was hospitalized when he died.
  • A man in Salt Lake County over the age of 85 who was not hospitalized at the time of his death.
  • A Utah County man between the ages of 65 and 84 who was hospitalized when he died.

Friday’s total gave Utah 403,984 confirmed cases, with 16,638 total hospitalizations and 2,289 total deaths.

Salt Lake County, mountainous areas shift from mass trials and vaccination sites

The Salt Lake County Health Department and Intermountain Healthcare announced on Friday that they will soon be migrating from several mass vaccination and testing sites.

According to a news release, Salt Lake County will close its mass test site at Maverik Center in West Valley City on May 28th at 3:00 pm.

According to a news release, the demand for tests has dropped significantly on sites that process 85 tests a day. The site previously processed up to 1,200 tests per day in November during the height of the Utah winter COVID-19 surge.

“The widespread availability of vaccines has reduced the demand for testing in the last two months,” Dr. Dagmar Vitek, director of medical care at the Salt Lake County Health Department, said in a statement. “This surgery serves that purpose, and with widespread availability of testing opportunities in other areas, it is a great opportunity to shift public health resources to vaccination and other community needs. Teams working there. Did a great job. “

The health department will continue to provide the COVID-19 vaccine in the main parking lot of the Maverick Center. Staff currently working at the Maverik Center test site will be transferred to vaccination and other public health activities. According to the news release, the health department continues to provide mobile test units as needed.

Intermountain Healthcare will also leave the mass vaccination business from early to mid-June, the company said Friday.

The Cassia Regional Hospital in Idaho will continue to provide mass vaccination sites, while other mountain facilities will switch to providing vaccines through clinics, clinics and pharmacies.

The change will allow unvaccinated people to talk to primary care providers or professionals they know and trust, Dr. Brandon Webb of Intermountain Healthcare said: .. Friday press conference.. Webb added that the vaccination process is close to the providers that can provide the best information to patients.

This shift is especially important, as young people between the ages of 12 and 15 are about to be vaccinated, Webb said. He said most parents are accustomed to discussing vaccination of their children with primary care providers.

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