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Why do I need to be vaccinated when I am already infected with COVID-19?

Why do I need to be vaccinated when I am already infected with COVID-19?
Why do I need to be vaccinated when I am already infected with COVID-19?


We are working to ask medical professionals questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and to understand the facts about VAX. Today’s question comes from Jennifer who wants to know. Why do I need to be vaccinated when I already have a real actuvirus? Kaiser Permanente’s doctor Mirin Ratanasen has the answer >> You will find your innate immunity effective. The tricky part is not knowing how long innate immunity will last. A pandemic can cause infection last summer. What we know is that vaccination is effective, those who have been vaccinated, those who have previously been infected and have been vaccinated, they are ultimately more It means that it showed a high antibody reaction. You can think of it as a booster to your own immunity. A variant of rising WI, who knows how innate immunity maintains it.But we have a vaccine

Know the facts about Vax: Why do I need to be vaccinated when I already have COVID-19?

This week, KCRA 3 is participating in a national “Get the Facts on the Vax” initiative to help healthcare professionals answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. The questions answered by Dr. Mirin Ratanasen of Kaiser Permanente to the viewers are as follows: Friday. Why do I need to be vaccinated when I already have the actual virus? “Intuitively, you would think that innate immunity from an infection is effective. It is important to note that you do not know how long that innate immunity will last. In a pandemic, you may have been infected in the summer. We. Knows that vaccination is very effective for those who have been vaccinated, and those who have been previously infected have a higher immune response than those who have actually been vaccinated. More and more variants know how innate immunity can tolerate it, but we are beginning to see more realistic evidence. The vaccines currently in use are It is also effective against mutants. “How can I tell if I am at risk of getting a blood clot from a J & J vaccine?” That is an absolutely valid concern. What I said earlier is that all vaccines are very effective and safe, but I still support it. The reason is here. The blood clots found were extremely rare the last time they were examined with the J & J vaccine. Of the 9 million doses administered so far, about 20 were found, most of which were found in 18-year-old women. To 49. However, there were no other common risk factors. … These blood clots were a rare type of blood clot that could reach the brain. Symptoms to look for usually occurred within 2 weeks and included severe headaches, poor vision, shortness of breath and chest pain, as well as small bruise and blood stains under the skin. Symptoms are very unique. If you are worried about serious symptoms, it is advisable to consult your doctor. If you look at the stats, they are on your side. If you have a headache after vaccination, it is unlikely that a blood clot is the cause. Be sure to consult your doctor. “Are there any bad side effects of the vaccine?” I think side effects are certainly possible. As you may have heard, the most common side effects we see in vaccinated people are the small redness, pain and swelling of the arm where it was injected. Some people experience fatigue, headaches, and even chills. If you are using Moderna or Pfizer, you may have heard that the second dose may be a little worse. Fortunately, these side effects, if any, have been found to last for perhaps a day or two. And they are gone and they are temporary. When talking to documentation, I often hate even using the term side effects. Side effects mean unexpected. And what we really want to call it is the expected immune response. What you are experiencing is that your own body’s immune response prepares to build those antibodies and prepares for battle. “Do you have any questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? Ask an expert directly to get an answer. Click here to submit your question. Get detailed Vax coverage facts Still need to be tested for COVID Who has -19? Will I be charged for the COVID-19 vaccine? Do I need to be vaccinated multiple times to activate the vaccine? Children over the age of 12 have access to the J & J vaccine Q: What is the validity period of time do? vaccine is to become as? effective? PGRpdiBjbGFzcz0ndGFibGVhdVBsYWNlaG9sZGVyJyBpZD0ndml6MTYyMTQzODA4MDk0OCcgc3R5bGU9J3Bvc2l0aW9uOiByZWxhdGl2ZSc + PG5vc2NyaXB0PjxhIGhyZWY9JyMnPjxpbWcgYWx0PSdWYWNjaW5lICcgc3JjPSdodHRwczomIzQ3OyYjNDc7cHVibGljLnRhYmxlYXUuY29tJiM0NztzdGF0aWMmIzQ3O2ltYWdlcyYjNDc7Q08mIzQ3O0NPVklELTE5VmFjY2luZURhc2hib2FyZFB1YmxpY3YyJiM0NztWYWNjaW5lJiM0NzsxX3Jzcy5wbmcnIHN0eWxlPSdib3JkZXI6IG5vbmUnIC8 + PC9hPjwvbm9zY3JpcHQ + PG9iamVjdCBjbGFzcz0ndGFibGVhdVZpeicgIHN0eWxlPSdkaXNwbGF5Om5vbmU7Jz48cGFyYW0gbmFtZT0naG9zdF91cmwnIHZhbHVlPSdodHRwcyUzQSUyRiUyRnB1YmxpYy50YW JsZWF1LmNvbSUyRicgLz4gPHBhcmFtIG5hbWU9J2VtYmVkX2NvZGVfdmVyc2lvbicgdmFsdWU9JzMnIC8 + IDxwYXJhbSBuYW1lPSdzaXRlX3Jvb3Qn

This week, KCRA 3 is participating in a national “know the facts about Vax” initiative to get answers to questions about the COVID-19 vaccine by healthcare professionals.

Here are the questions Dr. Millin Ratanasen answered to viewers with Kaiser Permanente on Friday:

Why do I need to be vaccinated when I already have the actual virus?

“Intuitively, you would think that innate immunity from an infection is effective. The tricky part is that you don’t know how long that innate immunity will last. In a pandemic, you may have been infected in the summer. We know that vaccination is very effective for those who have been vaccinated, and those who have been previously infected are those who have been vaccinated. More and more variants know how innate immunity can tolerate it, but we are beginning to see more realistic evidence that it is currently used. The vaccine is also effective against variants. “

How can I determine if the J & J vaccine is at risk of developing blood clots?

“That’s an absolutely legitimate concern. What I said earlier is that all vaccines are very effective and safe, I still support it, and here’s the reason. The blood clots found , Very rare from the previous J & J vaccine When examined, about 20 cases were found from the 9 million doses given so far, most of which are women aged 18-49 years. However, there were no other common risk factors … These thrombi were rare types of thrombi that could reach the brain. Symptoms to look for are usually within 2 weeks. It occurred and was severe headache, poor vision, shortness of breath and chest pain, as well as small scars and blood stains. Symptoms are very unique. If you are worried about serious symptoms, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Looking at the statistics, they are on your side. Post-vaccination headaches are very unlikely to be caused by blood clots. I definitely want to talk to a doctor. “

Do vaccines have bad side effects?

“I think side effects can certainly occur. As you may have heard of vaccinated people, the most common side effect we see is on the arm where it was injected. Slight redness, pain, swelling. Headache, or even cold. If you are taking Moderna or Pfizer, you may have heard that the second dose may be a little worse. Fortunately, these side effects are known to probably last for a day or two, even if you have them, and they disappear and are temporary. Many when you talk to the documentation. If we don’t even like to use the term side effects. Side effects mean something unexpected. And really what we call it the expected immune response. You experience What you are doing is that your own body’s immune response is preparing to make those antibodies and preparing for the fight. It is expected. “

Do you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine? We will tell your question directly to an expert for an answer. Click here to submit your question..

Learn more about Vax coverage facts


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