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The National Task Force publishes guidelines for reducing the screening age for colorectal cancer from 50 to 45 years


Vivek Kalra got together with his friends when he suddenly began to feel anxious.

“It was like weight. It’s just weight, bloating, maybe, like heartburn,” Kara said.

The anxiety turned into a severe abdominal cramp only a few hours later. Kara tried to put it to sleep, but the pain was intolerable, so at the recommendation of a friend who was a doctor, he traveled to the emergency room.

In the endoplasmic reticulum corridor, he was diagnosed by a doctor as life-changing.

“He said you wouldn’t go anywhere. We found an apple-sized tumor in your colon, and I’m sure it’s cancerous. You need to have surgery right away. “Kara said.

“To be honest, colon cancer wasn’t anywhere on my radar,” admitted Kalra.

There was no screening for colorectal cancer, or colonoscopy, anywhere on his radar. Until now, doctors have not recommended having a colonoscopy until the age of fifty. Until now, insurance does not cover the cost of screening up to the age of 50, even though the American Cancer Society recommended that you be younger two years ago. The Task Force has released new guidelines recommending colonoscopy at age 45 instead of 50.

Dr. Toufic Kachaamy, medical director of gastroenterology at the American Cancer Center, welcomed the move, saying he believed the move would save many lives.

“The reason is that the incidence of colon cancer decreases after age 50 and increases before age 50,” said Dr. Kachaamy.

Dr. Yitin Patel, a Chandler gastroenterologist, explained how this procedure works.

“Introduce a fiber optic camera about 100-120 cm in length and navigate it to the edge of the colon. Once you reach the edge of the colon, pull the camera out very slowly while inspecting. Colon skin The entire mucosa is looking for growth or lesions called polyps or polyps, or precancerous lesions. Therefore, the majority of colon cancers begin with polyps. It takes about 7-10 years from normal to colon cancer. ” Dr. Patel said.

“There is a timeline where you can pick these polyps to prevent cancer, as it starts as small polyps, grows gradually, eventually becomes large polyps, and then turns into cancer,” Dr. explained. .Patel.

Dr. Kachaamy said the insurance industry was following the guidelines of the US Preventive Medicine Committee and did not anticipate a turnaround.

“It makes sense not only to save lives, but also to save money. There is really no reason for insurers to fight such recommendations,” said Dr. Kachami.

There are some signs that you may want to talk to your doctor about rectal bleeding, dramatic changes in bowel habits, and persistent and unintentional weight loss. According to Dr. Patel, clinical tests for iron deficiency and anemia may also want to be investigated further.

Vivek and his wife Ruchi Karra are currently dedicated to raising awareness about early colorectal cancer screening and encourage at least 50 people in the community to be tested.

They wanted to increase their number. Kara’s cancer was in stage 3 when it was captured. He is currently receiving chemotherapy treatment. His message to the community is important, no matter how unpleasant or invasive colon endoscopy may seem.

“When I say this, believe me, believe me. In comparison, six months of chemotherapy is like taking a walk in the park,” Kalra said.

You can learn more about colorectal cancer Colorectal Cancer: Causes, Symptomatology and Treatment | CTCA (


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