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Sister of a doctor who died of suicide speaks out


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Dr. Lorna Breen, medical director of the New York City emergency room, died of suicide after treating a patient during the COVID-19 outbreak. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).
Dr. Lorna Breen, medical director of the New York City emergency room, died of suicide after treating a patient during the COVID-19 outbreak. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).

This article refers to self-harm and suicide. These may be considered confidential to some readers.

A family of New York City doctors who worked during the coronavirus epidemic talk about the events that led to her suicide.

Dr. Lorna Breen was the Medical Director of the Emergency Department of the New York Presbyterian Allen Hospital, the epicenter of the world. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Pandemic. Breen got herself back for a week and a half after she got the virus, but was sent back to her home by hospital staff.

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according to Spokesperson For the Charlottesville Police Department, local Charlottesville officials received a phone call on Sunday for 49-year-old medical assistance taken to the University of Virginia (UVA) medical system, and she died of her own injury. Did. She lived with her family.

Dr. Lorna Breen's family wants to encourage people in the healthcare industry to seek help if they are experiencing mental health problems. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).
Dr. Lorna Breen’s family wants to encourage people in the healthcare industry to seek help if they are experiencing mental health problems. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).

In an interview with today, Breen’s sister Jennifer Fist has revealed that a respected doctor is “distressed” by the virus and is upset by the inability to save the patient.

“She said it was like Armageddon,” Feist said. “She said, ‘There are many sick people everywhere. People are just dead in the waiting room before they enter. There are not enough connections for oxygen to help them. They I’m not hospitalized, fast enough. I can’t catch up. “

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Faest told the host Savannah Guthrie that Breen had a hard time-and called on Faust and her husband, Corey, to seek help. Breen she mental health She was “suffering and she couldn’t get out of her chair.”

Dr. Lorna Breen from her family
Dr. Lorna Breen was described as “brilliant” and “dedicated” by her family. (Today’s image / Courtesy of Breen and Feist Family.)

The call prompted Feist and friends to arrange to take Breen from his home in Manhattan to Virginia. There she was admitted to UVA Health for 11 days. After her release, Breen was taken to Faust’s house last weekend and stayed before his death on Sunday. Faist believes that a combination of pandemic stress and Brein’s viral infection will lead to her actions.

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“I know in my mind that it was both. She had a COVID, and I believe it changed her brain. After that, she made the most frightening, imaginable It’s back to life, “Feist said. “And for someone whose call of life is helping people, and she couldn’t help enough people, and the combination was unbearable. She had a 12-hour shift. When she was done, she said, “I can’t leave. No one leaves. I stay and I have to help.”

Faist added that the family had asked UVA Health to examine the sisters’ brains to see if they might be affected by the virus.

Breen was only 49 years old when he died of suicide after experiencing severe mental distress. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).
Breen was only 49 years old when he died of suicide after experiencing severe mental distress. (Image of the day / Courtesy of the Breen family).

Feast added that she had repeatedly asked her sister to take a rest and take care of herself, but Breen insisted that she continue to work.

The family hopes to share Breen’s story to help others working in the medical industry and suffering from mental health problems.

“I have been told by people working in healthcare,” We must always be courageous. We must always be strong. Don’t say you are suffering. There is stigma. ” I’m listening a lot. “My sister knows she felt like she couldn’t sit down. She couldn’t stop her job, and she surely can tell anyone who is struggling. I couldn’t, and it needs to be a changing conversation. They are suffering and will take a break. “

Family Lorna Breen Heroes Fund Helps provide health care professionals with mental health support.

“For the people I work with, if they have colleagues or friends and are wondering if they’re suffering, they’re probably suffering,” Feist said. And you should get in touch with that person. “

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