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Women can get the Covid vaccine at any time after giving birth: Experts


Women can get the Covid vaccine at any time after giving birth: Experts

The government recently allowed vaccinations for lactating mothers.

New Delhi:

Women can be vaccinated against COVID-19 at any time after childbirth, health care experts emphasized that even pregnant women need to be vaccinated to protect them from infection.

The government recently allowed vaccinations for lactating mothers.

NITI Aayog members (health) emphasize that breastfeeding after vaccination is okay and that breastfeeding should not be stopped “even for an hour”.

Healthcare experts also state that women can be vaccinated against COVID-19 at any time after childbirth.

Dr. Khan Amir Marouf, a professor of community medicine at the University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital in Delhi, said there was no risk from vaccinated breastfeeding mothers to newborns.

“There is no reason to delay vaccination after childbirth,” he said.

In addition, he said that lactating women do not need to take any special precautions in terms of vaccination, and that the same precautions that apply to the general public can be applied to women.

Dr. Loveleena Nadir, Senior Consultant Gynecologist and Obstetrician at Fortis La Femme, Rosewalk Hospital and Apollo Cradle Royale, said vaccination can be done at any stage of the menstrual cycle.

“COVID-19 is not an indication for Caesarean section, but the frequency of preterm birth and Caesarean section is increasing, probably due to maternal illness associated with COVID-19 infection. Please postpone the vaccination, 3 months from the date of recovery. “

She further stated that she was advised to continue her pregnancy if the patient took the first dose and later found to be pregnant.

“Pregnancy does not increase the risk of SARS-COV-2 infection, but it seems to worsen the clinical course compared to non-pregnant women,” she added.

Experts emphasize the need for vaccination to protect pregnant women from infection.

Dr. Marouf said government guidelines have not yet recommended COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women.

“This is because the Covid vaccine has not been tested on pregnant women and no data are available on its safety and efficacy. However, the Indian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology has given the Covid vaccine to pregnant women. During this pandemic, there is a high risk of getting infected with Covid and a high mortality rate. “

“This seems to be higher than the risk of side effects of the vaccine,” he said.

Dr. Sujeet Ranjan, Secretary-General of the Food and Nutrition Security Association (CFNS) in New Delhi, states that WHO guidelines allow pregnant and lactating mothers to be vaccinated, but in India vaccination of pregnant women. Issues are being discussed, and further deliberation by the National Technical Advisory Group (NTAGI) on vaccination.

“We hope that the Ministry of Health will soon allow pregnant women to also receive COVID-19 jabs. Many countries have already begun Covid vaccination of pregnant and lactating mothers. Currently Scientists are trying to generate enough data to recommend .. The effects of either of the two Covid vaccines (Covishield or Covaxin) administered in India on pregnant or lactating women. I learned that it has not been tested for efficacy, and side effects. Therefore, you must strictly follow the policy advice. Ministry of Health. “

Dr. Jaideep Malhotra, former president of the Federation of Indian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and founder of the Rainbow IVF Infertility Center, is safe because the vaccines currently available in India do not contain live viruses. He said that the fact needs to be disseminated.Pregnant and lactating mothers, do not cause serious side effects such as abortion or congenital

“The very important message is that vaccination of pregnant women saves two lives. This needs to be done as soon as possible. With 40 million pregnancies occurring. That saves about 80 million lives, “says Dr. Malhotra.

(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is automatically generated from the syndicate feed.)


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