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Smart toilets may soon analyze stools for health problems, the study says


According to one study, an artificial intelligence tool under development at Duke University could be added to a standard toilet to analyze the patient’s stool and provide the gastroenterologist with the information needed to provide appropriate treatment. I can do it.

This study was selected for presentation at Gastroenterological Disease Week (DDW) 2021. This new technology may help manage chronic gastrointestinal problems such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

“Usually, gastroenterologists have to rely on patient self-reported stool information to determine the cause of gastrointestinal health problems, which can be very unreliable.” , Says Deborah Fisher, MD, one of the lead authors of this study. Professor of Medicine at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.

“Patients often cannot remember what their stools look like or how often they defecate, which is part of a standard monitoring process. Smart toilet technology provides the long-term information needed to be more accurate. Can be collected. Timely diagnosis of chronic gastrointestinal problems. “

This technology can be retrofitted into existing toilet pipes. When a person defecates and flushes water, the toilet takes an image of the stool in the pipe. The data collected over time provides gastroenterologists with a better understanding of the patient’s stool morphology (ie, loose, normal or constipation) and the presence of blood, diagnosing the patient and their condition. It makes it possible to provide appropriate treatment to the patient.

To develop an artificial intelligence image analysis tool for smart toilets, researchers analyzed 3,328 unique stool images found online or provided by research participants. All images were reviewed and annotated by a gastroenterologist according to the Bristol stool scale, a common clinical tool for classifying feces.

Using a computationally efficient approach to convolutional neural networks, a type of deep learning algorithm that can analyze images, researchers have found that the algorithm accurately classifies stools from 85.1 percent of the time. The accuracy of total blood detection was 76.3%.

“I’m optimistic that patients are willing to use this technology because it can be installed in the toilet pipe and the patient does not have to do anything other than flush,” said Sonia, Principal Investigator of the study. Dr. Grego said. Founding director of Duke Smart Toilet Lab.

“Smart toilets can be used to diagnose IBD relapse and technology to monitor the patient’s response to treatment. This can be especially useful for patients living in care facilities who may not be able to report their condition. It may help improve the initial diagnosis of acute symptoms. “

Prototypes have promising feasibility, but have not yet been released to the public. Researchers are developing additional features of the technology, including stool sample sampling for biochemical marker analysis, which provides highly specific disease data to meet the needs of patients and gastroenterologists.

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