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Canada’s 50% Vaccine Milestone Psychological Boost to Continue: Experts

Canada’s 50% Vaccine Milestone Psychological Boost to Continue: Experts


Raywat Deonandan has recently become more hopeful and has found that many of his epidemiological and infectious disease colleagues have new optimism.

After months of observing negative trends in COVID-19, Deonandan is “joyful” to see vaccination rates rise to new heights while reducing cases, hospitalizations and mortality in most of Canada. I am. ”

Reached Canadian expansion A major milestone on Saturday, 50% of the total population Fifty-eight percent of the country’s adult population had at least one vaccination as of Friday, but at least partially.

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<p>While 50% of markers will not immediately affect plans to reopen services or lift public health restrictions, Deonandan will create a new, more encouraging era of pandemics in Canada. It says it means.</p>
<p>And its psychological impact cannot be ignored.</p>
<p>“This is a milestone,” said an epidemiologist at the University of Ottawa.  “It’s like this: Hey, our society has passed an important point in this marathon and we can almost see the finish line.</p>
<p>“And even if we’re all tired, we’ll sprint together to the end.”</p>
<p>Due to the increase in vaccine supply in Canada, the nationwide expansion went from sluggish to supersonic from April to May, and the moving average exceeded 370,000.<strong> </strong>The dose given per day last week. </p>
<p>It’s some people line up in the rain or snow outside the pop-up clinic for hours, coupled with the apparent desire of Canadians to get jabs, but what Deonandan looks like in the summer. I’m expecting.</p>
<p>“That means people want to get out of it, and they want to play their part in getting out of it,” he said.  “So I’m very optimistic, and I think many scientists looking at the numbers are also optimistic.”</p>
<p>While promoting vaccination has helped reduce infections, blockades and restrictions also play an important role, according to Deonandan.</p>
<p>Optimistic views are natural, but experts add that caution is needed during this interim stage, while half of Canada’s residents are not yet protected from COVID-19.</p>
<p>Health Canada states that it wants at least 75% of eligible Canadians (aged 12 and older) to receive a single dose and to fully inoculate 20% before easing measures. As of Friday, less than 5% of Canadians received both shots.</p>
<p>Deonandan says the number of vaccinations alone cannot determine when to resume.Case count, hospital and intensive care<strong> </strong>Hospitalization, test positive rates, and reproductive rates (the number of people expected to be infected with one positive case) should all be reduced.</p>
<p>Keith Dobson, a professor of psychology at the University of Calgary, said the expansion in Canada increased optimism that life in the country could soon return to normal. But there is still work to be done.</p>
<p>Reaching the 50% threshold is psychologically similar to a second wind blow in the middle of a race or positive changes in the body after months of exercise, Dobson said. I am.</p>
<p>“Studies of human behavior show that as people approach their goals, they usually get more energy, which is what we see,” Dobson said.  “Of course, it’s important that you don’t burn out before you get there, so you have to keep working hard to reach your goals.”</p>
<p>Some countries are closer to their goals than others.</p>
<p>The UK, where 55% of its residents were at least partially vaccinated as of Thursday, will ease more restrictions next week, including allowing a small indoor rally of up to six people between two households. It’s a schedule.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, the United States recently released guidance for fully vaccinated individuals, including a relaxed mask policy in some indoor areas. Currently, the overall immunization rate in the United States is slightly lower than in Canada, but the proportion of fully vaccinated Americans is higher.</p>
<p>Deonandan states that epidemiological trends around the world provide future models.</p>
<p>“That means (vaccination) works. We are on the road to becoming those countries,” he said. </p>
<p>Steve Jordans, a psychology expert at the University of Toronto, says the vaccine has renewed the hopes of many.</p>
<p>Still, Joordens says it can be difficult to be optimistic after experiencing a cycle of blockages in the last 15 months and the number of COVID-19 surges. He adds that the potential threat of new vaccine-resistant mutants is unknown, which induces another anxiety. </p>
<p>However, as vaccines reach more individuals every day, Joordens says the current situation feels different from the waves of the past. And he feels a level of cohesion between those who haven’t been seen since the early days of the pandemic.</p>
<p>“This (50% milestone) is an important number.” OK, we have more than half now, “Joordens said.  “Most of us are marching in the same way.</p>
<p>“So it gives us a sense of how well the team is working to defeat this virus.” </p>
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