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Research has revealed why some people find the sounds that others eat so stimulating.Neuroscience

Research has revealed why some people find the sounds that others eat so stimulating.Neuroscience
Research has revealed why some people find the sounds that others eat so stimulating.Neuroscience


Scientists shed light on why everyday sounds such as chewing, drinking, and breathing can be annoying enough to drive some people into despair.

The familiar dinner table munching and swallowing is harmless to most people, Misophonia people – Literally hatred of sound – can be very frustrating until they become tired, anxious, angry, and even violent.

Currently, a brain scan performed by researchers at Newcastle University shows that people with misophonia have a better balance between the part of the brain that processes sound and the part of the so-called premotor field that processes the movement of the muscles of the mouth and throat. It has been revealed that it has strong connectivity.

When a person with misophonia sounds a “trigger sound,” the scan shows that the brain regions involved in mouth and throat movements are overactivated compared to a control group of volunteers who do not have misophonia. Shown.

Dr. Sukhbinder Kumar, a neuroscientist at Newcastle University, said: “It makes them feel like the sound is invading them.”

Kumar and his colleagues believe that trigger sounds activate the so-called mirror neuron system in the brain. Mirror neurons are thought to fire not only when a person takes action, but also when he or she sees another person make a particular movement.

Activating the mirror neuron system with a trigger sound did not cause misophonia to inadvertently chew or swallow. But researchers believe that it can generate impulsivity through what they call “hypermirroring.” Dr. Kumar said that some people in this state mimic the sounds that complement them, perhaps by reasserting the control of the sensations they feel, as they bring them some comfort. It was.

When the survey results are reported Journal of Neuroscience Standing up in future research may pave the way for more effective treatments for misophonia, which some patients find very unpleasant. Dr. Kumar said that being able to train the mirror neuron system could break the link between certain sounds that make people crazy and the painful effects they experience. This year’s UK undergraduate medical study found that about 12% experienced moderate misophonia symptoms and 0.3% were severely ill.

Tim Griffith, a professor of cognitive neurology in Newcastle and a senior author of the study, emphasized the importance of treating misophonia as more than a problem related to the acoustic processing areas of the brain. Effective treatments are motors, or movements and areas.

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