What is myocarditis? Rare heart inflammation associated with the COVID-19 vaccine
![What is myocarditis? Rare heart inflammation associated with the COVID-19 vaccine What is myocarditis? Rare heart inflammation associated with the COVID-19 vaccine](,1130.384,x0,y33,safe&width=1200&auto=webp&optimize=medium)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Heart problems Just a teenager and a young adult Vaccination against COVID-19..
CDC shared information report Issued by the Advisory Committee on Immunization and Implementation (ACIP) on May 17th. ACIP is Myocarditis Some people have been vaccinated with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine ( Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna vaccine), But the report did not clarify exactly how many. Cases occur primarily in teens and young adults, more often in men than in women, and appear to occur after two doses rather than the first, usually within 4 days after vaccination.
“Most cases appear to be mild and case follow-up is underway,” the report said. The incidence of myocarditis after vaccination remains the same as the “expected baseline rate”, but ACIP wanted to share information with healthcare providers, so experts said that if heart condition became a problem for the patient. Ready to identify and treat.
Backup: What is myocarditis?
Myocarditis is a heart disease that causes inflammation of the heart muscle (also known as the heart muscle). National Institute of Health (NIH (National Institutes of Health). Inflammation can enlarge the heart, make it work harder, and reduce its ability to pump blood normally. Myocarditis is considered a rare condition and can be reduced. 10 to 20 out of 100,000 Every year in the world.
What are the symptoms of myocarditis?
According to NIH, some people with myocarditis have no obvious symptoms. But when people experience signs of condition, they can include:
- Chest pain
- arrhythmia
- Dyspnea
- Malaise
- heat
- headache
- sore throat
- diarrhea
- Swelling of legs
What is usually the cause of myocarditis?
According to NIH, it is often associated with viral, bacterial, parasite, and fungal infections, but in the case of myocarditis, the virus is the most common cause of heart damage. “This injury can be the direct result of the virus infecting and killing cardiomyocytes. Body immune response Say “against the virus” Elliott Payster, MD, Pen medicine cardiologist.
Dr. Payster explains that many cases of myocarditis are caused by cross-reactivity, and antibodies designed to target and kill the virus also bind to and damage cardiomyocytes in the process.
Myocarditis is also a specific drug or drug, including drugs used to treat cancer, antibiotics like penicillin, sulfonamides, some anti-seizure drugs, and some illegal drugs like cocaine. Can be caused by. Mayo Clinic..Exposure to chemicals such as carbon monoxide, or the underlying inflammatory or autoimmune condition Like lupus It may also increase the risk of myocarditis.
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Why does the COVID-19 vaccine cause myocarditis?
It is important to point out that this is still under investigation and experts have not confirmed a causal relationship between the two.
According to infectious disease experts, it is “difficult” to understand the potential link between the COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis, as the mRNA vaccine does not contain the actual virus. Amesh A. Adalja, MD, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security Senior Scholar.
“It’s just a genetic material,” he says. “The hypothesis is that the vaccine can provoke an immune response and cause collateral damage to certain individuals who are susceptible to myocarditis for some reason.” The exact reason is “not established at this time.” “He adds.
Is myocarditis associated with other vaccines?
Although the risk is small, there is an established link between smallpox vaccine and myocarditis. 1 JAMA Research After 230,734 people were vaccinated against smallpox, 18 cases of possible myocarditis were found in military service members. “We actually advise patients on the risk of myocarditis with the smallpox vaccine,” says Dr. Adalja.
There was also Case report Of myocarditis associated with influenza and tetanus vaccines Jennifer Wong, MDHe is a cardiologist and medical director of non-invasive cardiology at the Memorial Care Heart and Vascular Institute at the Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California.
However, these vaccines are different from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. “It should be noted that smallpox and influenza vaccines use live or inactivated viruses to activate the immune system, which is the two most popular COVID-19 vaccines in the United States. Is completely different, “says Dr. Peyster.
How is myocarditis treated?
In most cases, myocarditis improves on its own or with standard treatment, says Dr. Wong, but the severity of the condition is widespread. It affects only a small part of the heart and does not cause problems or progress to full-blown heart failure. Therefore, if symptoms of myocarditis appear, Dr. Wong recommends going to the emergency room for safety.
If you have an arrhythmia or Severe heart failure, Your doctor may give you medicine to help reduce your risk Blood clot, Including beta blockers and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Mayo Clinic To tell. “Most of the time, the goal is to support the patient in the early stages of the disease to give them the opportunity to subside the inflammation and the heart to recover naturally,” says Dr. Peyster.
However, the latest reports should not discourage vaccination. “This is a very small percentage [a specific group of] People who are reported to have this, “says Dr. Wong. It is also important to consider the risk-to-benefit ratio. So far, she says, the benefits of vaccination outweigh the potential for this rare condition if a causal relationship is identified.
This article is accurate at the time of the press. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic progresses rapidly and the scientific community gains a better understanding of the new coronavirus, some information may have changed since it was last updated. We aim to keep all the stories up to date, CDC, WHO, And yours Local public health sector To keep up to date with the latest news. Always consult your doctor for professional medical advice.
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