How the pandemic affected the people of IBS
- Some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) showed improvement in their symptoms during the blockade.
- The exact cause of IBS is unknown, Stress and anxiety It can cause symptoms in some people. Other triggers include certain foods.
- Argentine researchers have found that people with IBS have milder symptoms during a pandemic than before.
- However, other studies have found that some people with IBS have worsening symptoms.
The pandemic has affected the mental health of millions of people. According to a March 2021 survey, in the United States alone, half of adults in the United States say that stress and anxiety about the coronavirus have a negative impact on their mental health. Kaiser Family Foundation..
But for some people Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)According to a new study, the stay-at-home order may have helped to relieve symptoms such as cramps, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea.
The exact cause of IBS is unknown, but stress and anxiety can cause symptoms in some people. Other triggers include certain foods.
Argentine researchers have found that people with IBS have milder symptoms during a pandemic than before. They also saw a decline in the proportion of people with IBS.
“I think the results have something to do with the people at home. They weren’t exposed to external stress and were able to avoid triggering food at home,” said the Gastroenterology Department of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dr. Juan Pablo Stefanolo, Ph.D., Ph.D., Ph.D., Ph.D. Press release..
Results were announced at Gastrointestinal Disease Week 2021 on May 23. They have not yet been peer reviewed.
Some people with irritable bowel syndrome showed improvement during the pandemic, while others did not.
Researchers at the University of Washington found that about half of the 55 people surveyed increased IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation during a pandemic.
They also reported higher levels of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.
this Research It was published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in March 2021.
Argentine researchers generally focused on IBS, but only included people with IBS and anxiety and / or depression.
“Perhaps patients with anxiety and / or depression co-existing with IBS have more symptoms than patients with IBS alone,” the lead author said. Dr. Kendra J. Kamp, RN, University of Washington School of Medicine Postdoc.
Other factors, such as what was happening in the human community during the pandemic stage and at the time of the study, may explain the difference between the two studies.
“Symptoms can change over time, or based on COVID-19 limitations or knowledge of COVID-19,” says Kamp.
She and her colleagues said they surveyed the people of IBS between May and August 2020, “there was still a lot of unknowns about COVID-19.” Argentine researchers did not specify when the data was collected during the pandemic.
Dr. Kirsten TirishUCLA Health gastroenterologists have seen different reactions from IBS patients during a pandemic.
“In the early days of the pandemic, we saw people at home who were able to avoid the risk of the virus felt a sense of security and greater control over their lives,” she said.
“COVID-19 added additional stressors, which tended to rekindle those who had to continue working, such as health workers, police, firefighters, and other important workers,” Tillisch said. Stated.
Both the University of Washington and Argentine studies examined stress levels in IBS patients, but the relationship between the two is not always clear.
“Some people show a clear onset of symptoms or relapse of symptoms after intense and persistent life stresses such as divorce, work stress, or proceedings,” Tilish said. “And, although this is less common, some people are completely unaware of the interaction between stress and its symptoms.”
Complicating the matter, especially from a research perspective, is that what is stressful for one person may not be stressful for another.
Still, studies show that stress-relieving activities may also help some people with IBS symptoms.
This exercise is often taught as an 8-week course and uses a combination of mindfulness meditation, yoga, and physical cognition to help people focus their attention.
“My patient, who practiced mindfulness before the pandemic, was able to use it to calm down and stay in a moment of uncertainty in the world around us. I see, “Tirish said.
“Similarly, yoga-like movement-based strategies that many people could do more often at home allowed them to lay the groundwork,” she added.
From summer to autumn, more people will return to work, school and social activities. This can be stressful for some people with IBS.
Tillisch offers advice on how to make this transition a bit easier.
“Acknowledge that it’s normal to be worried about returning to normal activity, and accept that it may take some time to get used to what was comfortable in the past,” she said. Told.
She also recommends consulting a doctor if symptoms are getting worse.
In addition, people need to find tools that they can use to manage their symptoms, Tirish said.
This may include finding out what went well in the past, such as regular schedules of sleep and meal times, medications, diet changes, and discussions with mental health professionals.
And find a way to relieve stress, Tilish said. “If you don’t have a stress relief plan, do it as soon as possible,” she said.
“It could be meditation, yoga, or many other things. The important thing is to find something that calms the mind and body, so just watching TV or reading a book is not enough. It usually doesn’t work. “
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