Studies suggest that one in four unvaccinated people may not comply with the CDC guidelines for wearing masks indoors
![Studies suggest that one in four unvaccinated people may not comply with the CDC guidelines for wearing masks indoors Studies suggest that one in four unvaccinated people may not comply with the CDC guidelines for wearing masks indoors](
(Conversations are an independent, non-profit source of news, analysis, and commentary from academic experts.)
(Conversation) The revised guidelines on when and when to wear masks were a surprise to many Americans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on May 13, 2021 that people who were fully vaccinated with COVID-19 could safely enter many indoor environments such as grocery stores and restaurants without wearing a mask. Announced.
According to the CDC’s updated guidelines, unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people will continue to wear masks even if they no longer need to wear masks at facilities such as bars and restaurants. I am asking.
There is good reason to suspect that at least some unvaccinated Americans violate the CDC’s recommended “honor system” approach. The number of Americans who have been or will be vaccinated against COVID-19 has increased in recent months, but a recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey found that many Americans (34%). ) Are at risk of vaccination (15%). We will only vaccinate when needed (6%) or will stop vaccination altogether (13%).
My colleagues and I have done a study that suggests that many people planning to reject the vaccine have a negative view of scientists and health professionals. Therefore, it seems plausible that unvaccinated people may be reluctant to listen to the advice of CDC public health professionals.
This raises the important question that people want to go out, especially as Memorial Day approaches. Can fully vaccinated Americans trust unvaccinated people to wear masks, even if they don’t need them? In a new demographically representative survey, the answer may be no.
The virus can mutate among unvaccinated people
According to the CDC, the logic behind this decision is that Pfizer, Modana, Johnson & Johnson vaccines can infect vaccinated people with COVID-19, develop symptoms, and sick others. It is effective enough to significantly reduce the chances of spreading the disease. This probably means that potentially infected unvaccinated people pose a minimal threat to the vaccinated people they come in contact with.
Currently, the level of communities that span most of the United States is relatively low, with more than 38% of Americans fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of May 24. As a result, this recent CDC guidance may not prevent the decline in virus infection rates across the country.
However, this decision raised questions about whether vaccinated Americans could trust unvaccinated people to follow the updated guidelines of the CDC. As CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said, unvaccinated people must be “honest to themselves” about the health benefits of wearing a mask.
One of the concerns about the so-called “honor system” approach is that the virus can circulate among unvaccinated people. This is a point raised by a major nurse union. If true, increased circulation can cause the virus to continue to mutate. This may lead to the development of mutants that are at least partially resistant to existing COVID-19 vaccines.
Evaluation of intention to wear mask and vaccination status
On May 17, I surveyed 478 adults in the United States in a demographically representative survey of Americans’ intentions to vaccinate and wear masks. Respondents were invited to participate in this survey through Lucid Theorem, an online opt-in survey survey service. Use quota sampling to generate samples that reflect known census demographic benchmarks for age, race, education, household income, partisan identification, and census-designated areas.
We corrected the remaining deviation between the sample and the US adult population by applying survey weights that adjust respondents’ age, race, educational background, and household income.
Initially, respondents were either “fully vaccinated against COVID-19”, “partially vaccinated against COVID-19”, or “not vaccinated against COVID-19”. I asked you to report if. Respondents said they were “fully vaccinated, that is, two doses of Pfizer / Modana or Johnson & Johnson,” or “partially vaccinated, that is, one dose of Pfizer / Moderna.” You can report that you have been inoculated. ” They “have not been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, but will.” Or, “I have not been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine and I have no plans to do so.”
Some respondents may not be aware of the updated CDC guidelines, so the following is a brief summary of the revised CDC recommendations.
Finally, we asked the respondents, “Are you planning to wear a mask in an indoor environment such as a store or restaurant, even if you don’t need it?” Respondents can answer “Yes, I plan to wear a mask” or “No, I do not plan to wear a mask”.
Many unvaccinated people may ignore the CDC guidelines
One in five, or 21%, reports that they have not been or will not be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine. More than a quarter (26%) of that 21%, or about 5% of all respondents, said they would not wear masks in indoor spaces such as stores and restaurants.
On the other hand, a smaller percentage of the 48% who reported being fully vaccinated, or 19%, plan not to wear masks indoors. This means that in my sample, the percentage of unvaccinated people who plan not to wear masks indoors is higher than the percentage of vaccinated people who plan to do the same. To do.
Fully vaccinated people may choose to continue wearing masks indoors because they do not trust unvaccinated people to follow the CDC guidelines. The majority (54%) of fully vaccinated respondents report that unvaccinated people do not “little” or “at all” trust to wear masks in an indoor environment. .. Four out of five fully vaccinated people, or 79%, report that they trust the CDC to “do the right thing,” but what do unvaccinated people do? Uncertainty about what to do can exceed these considerations.
Potential mismatch between expectations and reality
The idea that many unvaccinated people may choose not to wear masks in public indoor spaces does not necessarily have a negative impact on public health. The current COVID-19 infection rate, vaccine uptake, and herd immunity to the virus are high enough to stop another wave of infection. As a social scientist, I prefer to leave the question to epidemiologists and public health professionals.
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But I think my study documents a significant asymmetry between the revised recommendations of the CDC and what unvaccinated people actually plan to do. Some Americans who do not plan to vaccinate with COVID-19 have reported that they may ignore the CDC guidelines for wearing masks in indoor spaces, so others have said that the “honor system” The approach can create compliance.
Of course, keep in mind that the responses to these surveys are entirely based on self-reported data. People who self-report their plans for vaccination, wearing masks, or both may not actually do so in their daily lives. If true, this may actually strengthen the claim that vaccinated Americans have some skepticism about unvaccinated people.
The “honor system” approach to wearing a mask may ultimately not prolong the pandemic. However, Americans may be right to doubt whether unvaccinated people follow the CDC recommendations.
This article has been republished by The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article here:
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