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Five common exercise myths that are interfering with your fitness goals

Five common exercise myths that are interfering with your fitness goals


There are many “experts” in the fitness world who love to give such solid advice on what to do and what not to do while exercising. Exercise can be confusing enough, but when a well-known Instagram trainer says one thing and a wellness “master” says another, it can be difficult to classify facts from fiction.

Not only is this incredibly discouraging, but it can also affect your health-this is yours body After all, we are talking. To help you understand it all, we dug up a general myth about the movement and asked a true expert to correct the record, so you finally have your sweat session. You can start getting the most out of it.

1. Aerobic exercise is more important than weights.

No, it’s just as important. Cardio gives you a strong heart, Lower blood pressure, Better glycemic regulation, clearer thinking, improved mood, and healthier sleep, and these benefits are amplified when combined with it strength training..

Weightlifting helps strengthen bones, reduce the risk of injury and protect posture.The muscles you build can help boost your metabolism, says Ali Levy, MD, founder and CEO. shift, Integrative medicine in Chicago.

Aim for what researchers call the “Goldilocks Zone” of physical activity: 150 minutes a week Moderate aerobic exercise (Challenging to speak but not sing) or in addition to 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise per week Muscle strengthening activity At least twice a week.

2. Do not exercise if your back hurts.

Chronic low back pain (Or shoulder, Hips, Or Knee pain) In many cases, it responds very well to exercise. This facilitates the supply of blood, nutrients and lubricating fluid to the affected area, reducing stiffness and accelerating healing.

“As the saying goes, movement is lotion and rest is rust,” says Dr. Levy. (American Rheumatology Society Also approve Regular physical activity for Arthritis pain relief.. )

Please note that we are talking Chronic Pain and Pain — Acute injuries that should be evaluated by a healthcare professional to rule out serious ones often require a day or so of rest. However, if it is a normal squeak, ask a physician or physiotherapist to help you develop a safe and effective exercise plan that will not hurt and will help you to heal in the long run.

3. You should exercise every day.

Recovery is essential to avoid injury and build strong muscles. After strength training training, muscles are depleted due to the destruction of muscle fibers. Therefore, it is important to rest 1-2 days a week until the fibers are rebuilt.

“After this process is repeated over time, our muscles will be able to handle more stress,” says PT Joseph Lipsky. Reload physiotherapy At Performix House in New York City. But “the best recovery is a positive recovery,” he says. Like 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, it promotes blood flow and supports muscle fiber remodeling.

Sleeping at least 8 hours per night, drinking about 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight, and getting enough calories to reach your goals will also improve your recovery.

4. You can exercise to make up for overeating.

Sorry, exercise isn’t a calorie burner, despite what you see on gym machines and trackers (these are just estimates). “To burn off a typical French fries, you need to walk for nearly two hours at a speed of three miles per hour,” he says. Dr. Lenny J. Rogers, Associate Professor of the Healthy Lifestyle Institute at the University of Pittsburgh.

And the idea of ​​energy in energy out can be encouraged Chaotic thoughts about eating.. Instead, Rogers, aiming for a holistic view, states: I’m going to escape last night’s supper To Exercise makes you feel better both physically and mentally and reduces stress.Exercise helps you maintain Healthy weight, but that’s just one of the myriad healthy reasons to do it.

5. When exercising, you don’t have to worry about the effects of sitting all day.

Yes, that’s right. When sitting, it is barely moving and contributes to all stiffness, from muscles to arteries. That is why. Excessive sitting is linked to Heart disease, diabetes, depression, and Even memory loss and dementia (Probably because there is less blood circulating in the brain).

Some studies have shown that regular exercise may help offset the effects of excessive sitting, “but we certainly have no evidence to say that,” Rogers said. say. “Like many of us, we went elliptical for 45 minutes, but if we spent the rest of the day zooming at our desk, there was an independent risk of sitting, including increased mortality from all causes. Still exists. ”

Beyond your normal workout routine, you’ll sit and break up with a two-minute activity every hour. Stretch your legsWalk across your home. Try a downward facing dog. Standing desks can help, and household chores such as vacuuming and washing are also important.

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