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This is why mother’s depression affects the relationship between mother and baby


new Research Women with depression during pregnancy or a history of depression were found to have poor quality maternal-child relationships.

The survey results were published in the journal “BJPsych Open”. This study was funded by the Moseley Biomedical Research Center (BRC) at the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).

In this study, researchers investigated whether depression before or during pregnancy affects mother-child relationships.

The researchers examined the quality of mother-child interactions at 8 weeks and 12 months after birth in three groups of women. Healthy women, women with clinically significant depression during pregnancy, and women with a lifetime history of depression but having a healthy pregnancy.

This study used a sample of 131 women: 51 healthy mothers without current or past depression, 52 depressed mothers in South London and the Moseley NHS Foundation Trust perinatal period. Referred to a psychiatric service, 28 “history-only” mothers have a history of depression, but there is no current diagnosis.

Quality of interaction

At both 8 weeks and 12 months, mothers and babies in the depression and history-only groups showed reduced quality of interaction. Specifically, at 8 weeks, 62% of mothers with depression during pregnancy and 56% of mothers with only a medical history scored in the lowest quality category of relationships for which therapeutic intervention was recommended. It was attached. It was 37% in the healthy group.

All mother and baby groups improved the quality of interaction between 8 weeks and 12 months. Over time, all mothers and babies can become more in harmony with each other, according to researchers.

On day 6, newborns of mothers in the depression and history-only group had reduced social interaction behavior. This predicted a decline in the quality of interactions, along with the socio-economic difficulties of the mother, but not postpartum depression.

Dr. Rebeccabind, Principal Writer and Research Associate at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, said: There is a history of depression because there is also a risk of difficulty interacting. Future studies need to understand why the history of depression can affect the development of relationships, even though the perinatal period is healthy. “

Senior author Carmine, a professor of biological psychiatry at King’s College London Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, and a consultant for perinatal psychiatrists at South London and the Moseley NHS Foundation Trust. Pariante said: Difficulty interacting with examples of active care behavior, and difficulty interacting with how to interact with their babies and understand their needs. All of these can be incorporated into childcare and childbirth classes and health visits. “

“Also, video feedback to discuss the most effective behaviors for clinicians and mothers to attract and comfort their babies, and interventions that can help mother-infant interactions, such as structured mothers,” said Pariante. We propose to make it more widely available. Baby activities such as art and song groups. This is especially important because early years are essential for future mental health and well-being. Because I know. “

The mother-infant relationship was evaluated using the Crittenden Child-Adult Relationship Experimental-Index, which evaluates the term “two-way synchronization,” which describes the overall quality of the relationship.

The researchers analyzed a 3-minute interaction film taken at 8 weeks and 12 months of age. While the mother was playing with her baby, researchers found seven aspects of behavior: facial expressions, voice expressions, position-body contact, affection and arousal, turn-taking contingency, control, and activity choices. Evaluated the relationship based on.

This story was published from a news agency feed without changing the text. Only the heading has changed.


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