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All 11 books on postpartum mental health should be read by new parents


May Maternal Mental Health MonthThat’s why HuffPost’s parenting and wellness sheds light on postpartum well-being. From how new moms treat their early days as parents suffering from their mental health, to how they are there for friends and family, we find moms and their loved ones the first challenge. I made a space to feel that I was seen and heard on the moon. Parent-child relationship. Click here for the full series..

Becoming a new parent can be a fun time in a person’s life, but the transition also comes with a low share. Beyond poop-filled diapers and sleepless nights, many new parents are tackling postpartum mental health issues.

“Many women can experience mood symptoms such as postpartum blue, which consists of feeling anxiety, frustration, and tears,” he said. Ashna Dokarni, Harvard Medical School Psychiatrist and Instructor. She added that these symptoms can progress to depression and anxiety in “about 10-15% of women.”

“In depression, women can experience worthlessness or guilt, tears, depressed mood, lack of joy in normal activity, lack of concentration, suicidal ideation, malaise, sleep and change in appetite. With anxiety, generalized anxiety disorders, panic attacks, and OCD can all occur, “she explained.

Of course, it’s not just new mothers that are affected.

“We generally associate this with women’s problems, but the prevalence of men is important, and one in ten fathers also experience postpartum symptoms,” he said.Sara Havel, Phoenix Marriage and Family Therapist. “This is a major life transition for parents, and stress and anxiety are very common reactions that accompany all life transitions.”

After giving birth and giving birth to a newborn baby, Nadkarni diagnoses postpartum mental health problems because “many of the symptoms of depression and anxiety, such as fatigue, sleep disorders, and appetite, occur naturally.” Added that it is difficult.

Fortunately, these issues are very manageable as long as you know what to look for and when to ask for help. Here, the recommendations in the following books may help. Below are some of the expert-approved titles you should read if you are a new parent (or if you love a newborn baby).

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Kimberly Ann Johnson, “Fourth Trimester: A Postnatal Guide to Healing the Body, Balancing Emotions, and Restoring Vitality”

Kristen Russell, an inpatient primary therapist at the Arizona-based mental health facility Sierra Tucson, specializes in maternal mental health and postpartum depression, and is a holistic approach to the transition from childbirth to adaptation to physical anxiety. Because of this book’s recommendations provided and identity changes.

“This book emphasizes how valuable this time is for women in today’s society, and how new mothers can create a nurturing approach to unexpected emotions and struggles,” she said. Told.[The author] It highlights her own postpartum struggle and the struggles of other women. “

Buy this book for $ 14..

“This is not what I expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression” by Karen Clayman and Valerie Ruskin

Russell also provided “This is not what I expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression.” This is because of the way we classify all categories of postpartum mood and anxiety in an easy-to-digest format.

“This book describes each type of postpartum symptomatology, including depression, anxiety / panic, obsessive-compulsive disorder / urge, and treatment options. And this book is an unexpected stressor after the birth of a baby. It provides a way to deal with it, “she said.

In addition, Ilyse Kennedy, a trauma therapist specializing in perinatal mental health and complex trauma in Austin, Texas, said, “‘This is not what I expected’ is the sadness of experiencing postpartum depression. I admit the difficulty. “

“Making a new parent feel embraced by a community of others who have endured similar experiences is comforted in a way that normalizes the new parent’s experience,” she added.

Buy the book for $ 9..

“Postpartum Husband: A Practical Solution for Living with Postpartum Depression” Karen Clayman

“Postpartum Husband: A Practical Solution for Living with Postpartum Depression” is highly recommended by psychologists Roseann Capanna-Hodge, Working with clients in Connecticut and New York.

“Postpartum female partners and spouses may not know what to do or how to support someone after childbirth. This book provides information and practical guidance on how to assist postpartum women. We offer both, “she said.

Buy the book for $ 13..

“A good mom has a scary idea: a healing guide to the secret horror of a new mother” Karen Clayman

Lauren GirlyA perinatal mental health therapist in Wisconsin said he would recommend “a good mom has a scary idea: a healing guide to the new mother’s secret horror” to almost every new parent she works with.

“It’s comprehensive and really easy to read in the little moments while caring for your baby. Beautiful illustrations capture many of the stresses and challenges of postpartum depression, how to deal with them and additional support. We offer specific suggestions on how to ask for, “she explained.

Buy the book for $ 15..

“Abandon babies and other scary thoughts: break the cycle of unwanted thoughts in motherhood” by Karen Kleinman, Amy Wensel, Hillary Waller, and Abbey Adler Mandel

by Sabrina Romanov“This book provides information, validation, and explanations about the new mother’s experience. It is written for clinicians, but many patients have this,” said a clinical psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. I find the book useful to explain why. There are negative thoughts and what can be done about them. It’s a hidden gem and many patients find it incredibly valuable. Thing.”

Buy the book for $ 30..

“Beyond the Blues: Understanding and Treating Prenatal and Postpartum Depression and Anxiety” Shoshana S. Bennett and Peck Indman

Hubbell recommended this book as “a practical guide with the latest pregnancy and postpartum resources for the prevention and treatment of postpartum depression and anxiety.”

She also said that “Beyond the Blues” is also deeply involved in addressing the occasional postpartum anxiety that accompanies depression.

Buy the book for $ 13..

“Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbook: Practical Skills to Help Overcome Anxiety, Worry, Panic Attacks, Obsessions, and Coercions” Pamela S. Wiegartz

Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects one in five women during and after childbirth, emphasizing the importance of OCD screening as well as the usefulness of treatment, Nadkarni said. She often recommends “Pregnancy and Postpartum Anxiety Workbooks: Practical Skills to Help Overcome Anxiety, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Obsessions, and Obsessions” to help begin an approach to OCD. I said.

Buy this book for $ 17..

“Breathing, Mom, Breathing: 5 Minutes of Mindfulness for Busy Moms” Shonda Moralis

We know how important mindfulness is for overall well-being, but new parents do not always have time to incorporate long meditation sessions and other mindfulness activities. Fortunately, “Breathing, Mom, Breathing: 5 Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms” recommended by a New York-based psychologist. Emily Guanotta,You can easily.

“Mothers face many adjustments during the postpartum period, which can be overwhelming. Mindfulness is an effective tool to help [them] It helps us address these challenges and prepare for future success, “she said. “You don’t have to meditate for hours every day to benefit. This book is a great resource to help mothers learn and practice their mindfulness skills within five minutes.”

And despite the title, it’s not just for moms. “The book has 65 useful strategies for increasing mindfulness in parents’ daily activities and can be used by both new fathers and mothers,” he added. Brian Wind, A clinical psychologist and adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University.

Buy the book for $ 12..

“Strong as a mother: how to stay healthy, happy and (most importantly) sane from pregnancy to parenthood” Kate Rope

Ibinye Osibodu-Onyali, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Zinnia practice California recommended this book for “a somewhat humorous view of pregnancy and postpartum period.”

Osibodu-Onyali wrote that the authors are “general topics that new mothers are worried about, such as feeding difficulties, scary thoughts, how to seek help, how to inform family members if they suffer from postpartum depression, and even return to work. Said that it covers.

Buy the book for $ 13..

Philip Toledano’s “Reluctant Father”

Hubbell said this was an interesting view of “the ambivalence that many fathers first feel about their babies.” It may be comforting to know that you are not alone and will hit your dad after childbirth. “

Buy the book for $ 10..

“Mother to Mother Postpartum Depression Support Book” by Sandra Pulan

Lack of sleep can overly shelve clinical books. According to Hubbell, this is not the book. The Mother-to-Mother Postpartum Depression Support Book details the stories of real women who have experienced a variety of postpartum experiences and how they got over them.

Buy the book for $ 13..

Reading any of these books provides valuable knowledge and helps you navigate your new parental life, but it is also important to know when to leave your reading and call your doctor.

“When your thoughts and feelings interfere with your baby and your care, it’s important to consult and get support from an experienced perinatal mental health professional,” said Osibodu-Onyali. Stated. “If you or your baby is at risk, or if you’re thinking of hurting yourself or your baby, it’s also important to ask for help.”


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