Too many TVs in your 40s and 50s can affect your brain health
- Researchers say that those who watch more TV in middle age are at increased risk of deteriorating brain health in later years.
- Their study shows that excessive television viewing can cause cognitive decline and gray matter loss.
- Experts are encouraged to choose an alternative to watching TV that you enjoy and will continue to do.
The more you watch TV in your 40s, 50s, and 60s, the higher your risk of brain health problems in later years.
According to the researcher who announced it Three new studies At the American Heart Association Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiac Metabolism Health Conference 2021 last week.
The study used watching television as a measure of sedentary behavior (that is, sitting time). Brain health was later measured by participants answering questions about viewing habits, completing cognitive tests, and undergoing an MRI scan of the brain.
Television viewing was measured by the amount of content consumed during leisure time.
- Low TV viewing (never or rarely)
- Moderate (sometimes)
- High (often / very often)
Together, researchers’ findings suggest that people who self-report moderate or excessive (high) television viewing will experience greater cognitive decline and decreased brain gray matter later in life. doing. gray matter It is involved in decision making, hearing and vision, and muscle control.
Researchers have also found that the positive effects of physical activity are not always sufficient to combat or counter the negative effects of watching television. But this does not mean that we should give up the movement.
From their data, they calculated that for every hour a person’s average daily TV viewing time increased, it was associated with a 0.5% reduction in the amount of gray matter.
American Heart Association state The website states that science is associated with inactive sitting and an increased risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, colon and lung cancer, and premature death.
This new study will be added to that link, Heather SnyderThe PhD, Vice President of Medicine and Science at the Alzheimer’s Association, suggests that we need to be aware of the differences in causality with the association.
“This study adds to a similar study that suggests a link between watching television and cognitive decline in later years, but it does not prove a causal link,” Snyder told Healthline.
“We need more research to understand this link,” she added. “For example, is there anything about watching TV, or does watching more TV mean that you are less active?”
According to Snyder, the most important thing to remove from this study is to think about what you can do other than watch TV.
Choose activities that we know are good for your heart, brain and body health, she recommends.
“Increased research may reduce the risk of cognitive decline by engaging in more frequent exercise (if possible), eating a balanced diet, and engaging socially and cognitively. Suggests, “she said.
In other words, activities that support your overall health today may be the key to protecting your brain health in later years.
When it comes to changing your lifestyle, it’s up to you how to proceed for the best results in the end. You know what you stick to and what you don’t.
Synder offers the following advice: “Instead of picking up the remote, pick up an interesting book or go for a walk.”
However, personal context is also important. So if you’re not a book reader, don’t decide to switch all your time on TV to the time you spend reading novels. That’s not a bad idea. It is unlikely to lead to permanent change.
Instead, choose the activity you enjoy. That way, you’re more likely to keep choosing them over TV time in the long run.
These can be moderate aerobic exercise Proposed by AHA, Including:
- Walk fast (2.5 mph or more)
- Aquagym
- Dance (social dance or ballroom dance)
- Gardening
- Tennis (doubles)
- Bicycles slower than 10 mph
It may also include more active and intense activity. Proposed by AHA such as:
- Uphill or hiking with a heavy backpack
- running
- Swimming lap
- Aerobics dance
- Heavy garden / garden work such as continuous drilling and groundbreaking
- Tennis (single)
- Cycling over 10 mph
- Skipping rope
You can also perform sedentary activities that stimulate brain function, such as knitting, completing crossword puzzles, and playing musical instruments.
Whatever you do, the next time you reach for the remote, think about your brain health 20 years from now and ask yourself. Is this the healthiest use of my time?
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