Why the COVID-19 surge led to the outbreak of black fungi in India
- Following the rapid increase in COVID-19, the epidemic of “black bacteria” is rapidly increasing in India.
- Symptomatology of black bacteria (Zygomycosis) There are swelling of the face, stuffy nose, headache, etc.
- If the lungs are infected, symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
The proliferation of cases of zygomycosis, also known as black fungus, is affecting India. In India, cases of COVID-19 have already experienced a serious increase.
According to the report, more than 9,000 fungi have been reported. Associated Press.. And there is a shortage of medicine to treat it.
This potentially deadly fungal infection may be increasing due to the proliferation of people with COVID-19. Fighting the coronavirus can damage or weaken people’s immune system. In other words, you may be more likely to develop zygomycosis.
Healthline talked with experts to better understand what made India’s health emergency worse.
Infections usually affect people with health problems (such as COVID-19) and those taking medications that may reduce their ability to fight infections in the immune system.
After fungal spores are inhaled from the air, it generally affects the sinuses or lungs.
“Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that tends to infect people who have a depressed immune system, such as people with severe diabetes.” Dr. Eric Shioe PenaThe Global Health Director of Northwell Health in New York told Healthline. “Once infected, it is very morbid and has a high mortality rate.”
Symptoms of sinus and brain muscular disease include swelling of the face, stuffy nose, and headache. When it reaches the lungs, symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath.
Zygomycosis can be up to fatal, depending on which part of the body is affected
Dr. Kishor by GanganiPhysicians at the Texas Health Arlington Memorial Hospital said India was relatively lucky during the first wave of COVID-19, but a combination of factors set the stage for the current surge in cases of COVID-19 and zygomycosis. I explained that I did.
According to Gangani, elections and related mass rallies were taking place, and it was a time of many weddings. And decisively, there were no COVID-19 restrictions.
“The government was probably more focused on elections than anything else,” he said. “At that time, it was happening all over India, and the focus was shifted. The timing was bad.”
Gangani explained that a typical Indian wedding could have up to 1,000 people attending, and the country’s infrastructure was not ready to cope with this scale surge.
“And the strains they carry are very toxic, and I didn’t expect this to be a faster-transmitting strain, making more people sick and faster than toxic,” he said. Added.
So many people are experiencing a weakening of their immunity due to COVID-19, making them more susceptible to a surge in mucormycosis.
According to Gangani, the COVID-19 surge began at the start of the vaccine campaign, and many have come to believe that vaccines are causing the disease rather than treating it.
“Some people have actually begun to think that they are infected because the second wave has begun and they have been vaccinated,” he said. “And rumors have begun to spread.”
Gangani even struggled to convince his family of the truth. He said he tried to correct this false information when talking to his relatives there, but they didn’t believe him.
“Statistical analysis has demonstrated that steroids help reduce mortality in patients with low oxygen saturation COVID,” he said. Dr. Donna Casey, Physician at Texas Health Press Vitalian Hospital in Dallas. “Steroids reduce inflammation, but they can adversely affect your ability to fight infection.”
Gangani explained that he could be more likely to get another infection if he wasn’t given the right dose of steroids.
“The important thing is to use it wisely and in a timely manner. There are problems and we know when to use it. [steroid drugs] And how much do you give? “He said.
In addition, people with other chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, may be at increased risk of mucor disease.
“If they [COVID patients] Blood sugar levels aren’t controlled in the first place, so if you use steroids on top of that, your blood sugar levels will be very uncontrolled, “he said. “Hyperglycemia leads to acidic blood, and this particular fungus actually propagates in hyperglycemic and highly acidic environments.”
Dr. MingiA physician in the southwestern part of Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas, suffers from both diabetes and COVID-19 and is more likely to be given steroids to treat COVID, resulting in diabetes and COVID-19. He pointed out that infected people are at a disadvantage. .. “
“Anyone with a suppressed immune system is at risk for mucormycosis,” Nghi said. “This is an opportunistic fungal infection that is common in people with diabetes, steroid use, solid organ transplants, and people with a depressed immune system.”
According to Gangani, the lack of oxygen tanks and delivery equipment may have created another vector of zygomycosis contamination.
“The biggest thing I keep in mind is that the reason they see so many cases of zygomycosis is that there was a serious lack of oxygen in India,” he said. Told. “So they had to pull in from where they got either the oxygen tank or the cylinder, and some of them are outdated and who knows [if] Those appliances or oxygen supply systems have been colonized [by the fungus].. “
The black bacterium epidemic is sweeping India following a severe surge in COVID-19 cases.
Experts said the cause was a combination of factors. These factors may include contaminated oxygen devices and the use of steroids to treat certain COVID-19 patients.
Experts also said that lack of preparation for the second wave of COVID-19, false information about vaccine efficacy, and relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions during the period filled with mass gatherings are current health emergencies. Said that he made a great contribution to.
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