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State COVID-19 Tehama County, Orange Formation, But How Long | Corning Observer


Tehama County moved from the state’s COVID-19 red layer to the less restrictive orange layer on Wednesday, May 19, within the blueprint for a safer economy in California, but the county is in its place. Do you want to stay?

“There was a week when the numbers increased again after moving to the orange layer,” said Val Lucero, executive director of the Tehama County Health Services Agency, in a weekly report to the Tehama County Supervisory Board on Tuesday. I did. “The number of COVID-19-positive tests has increased and the state has contacted us. There were no outbreaks from major events, but there were some family situations where there were cases in the same family, The families were not connected to each other. “

Lucero needs to wait for numbers to fall in this past state’s reporting week to see if Tehama County stays in the state’s orange layer or returns to the more restrictive red layer. Said.

Meanwhile, agencies can reopen more businesses and increase capacity, some already open, thanks to the incredible efforts of the community to slow the spread of COVID-19. Is called.

Moving from the red layer of the county to the orange layer means that:

Most gathering activities, such as private gatherings, trade fairs, cinemas, gyms, hotels, museums, outdoor live events, and places of worship, increase the percentage of people allowed and the capacity.

The restaurant has a maximum capacity of 50% or 200 people, whichever is less.

Retail, swap filled-no maximum capacity.

Bars that do not serve meals can be modified and opened outdoors.

Family entertainment centers, wineries, breweries and distilleries are allowed indoors with limited capacity.

The office can be modified and opened indoors, and working from home is recommended.

Outdoor sleep away camp to open on June 1, 2021

Find rules for changing the latest stats and tiers in Tehama and other counties According to Lucero, this transition to the Orange Formation is a step in the right direction, and residents of the county need to remain wise and safe to prevent COVID-19 cases and reduce hospitalization.

“Wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying away from others, staying home if you are sick, vaccination when you get sick, etc., the spread of COVID-19 and all its variants It’s important that we all continue to follow the guidance to prevent it. It’s your turn, “she added. “These are the best tools we have at our disposal to control the spread of the virus, keep schools open and keep the economy restarting.”

The Tehama County Health Services Agency said it encourages the community to sign up for a COVID-19 vaccine reservation at MyTurn as soon as residents qualify. Parents and legal guardians can book young people in families over the age of 12 to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.Sign up with Alternatively, call (833) 422-4255 to make a reservation.

The National Guard is no longer promoting COVID-19 testing and vaccination in Tehama County, and has “shifted to support in other areas of need,” Lucero said.

In addition, the COVID-19 Clinic at the Red Bluff Community Center, formerly run by the County Health Department, is being conducted by Optitum Serve for testing at the center on Monday and Tuesday and vaccination from Wednesday to Friday. Sign up for a test appointment online at or call 1-888-634-1123.For vaccinations online Or call 1-833-422-4255.


What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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