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Chile reveals vaccinated mobility path


From Wednesday, Chilean people who have been vaccinated and fully vaccinated against the coronavirus have been able to obtain a more free-moving path. This is a move criticized by medical professionals.

Personal downloadable path Two weeks after receiving the second shot, the owner is allowed to roam the blocked city freely to supermarkets and pharmacies, or to exercise outdoors.

By comparison, unauthorized persons must print a permit each time they leave the house, which is permitted only for essential reasons.

Pass holders can also move between unblocked cities and towns.

Face masks are mandatory for everyone, indoors and outdoors, and the pass is invalid during the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am daily. It also does not replace the permits people need to get back to work, the government said.

The bill came into effect when Chile exceeded 50% of fully vaccinated adults. To date, it has exceeded 7.7 million and has a target population of 15.2 million.

There are three vaccines in the country, with more than 17 million CoronaVac doses, 3.36 million Pfizer-BioNTech, and nearly 500,000 Oxford-AstraZeneca doses.

China’s CoronaVac has proven to be the least effective of the three, with a Chilean study showing that it was 67% effective in preventing symptomatic Covid-19 and 80% effective in preventing mortality in April. It is shown.

The national medical associations and nine medical associations disagree with the vaccine path given the persistently high infection rates.

“Increased mobility increases infection. This new permit can lead to confusion and false reassurance,” they said in a joint statement.

Health Minister Enrique Paris defended this measure as a “reward” for vaccinated people.

About 1.3 million people are infected with the coronavirus in Chile, killing more than 28,600. The country is one of the highest vaccination rates in the region and in the world.

Meanwhile, neighboring Argentina has been vaccinated with AstraZeneca and Sputnik V more than a million times on Wednesday to combat the worst stages of the pandemic so far.

45 million countries planning to host Copa America in three weeks have given one so far It is given to 8.9 million people and twice to 2.5 million people.

It is one of the most prevalent areas in the region, with more than 35,300 cases and 532 deaths recorded in 24 hours on Wednesday, with more than 75,500 casualties.

China’s CoronaVac 80% Effective in Preventing COVID Death: Chile Results

© 2021 AFP

Quote: Chile is a vaccinated (May 27, 2021) mobility path obtained from on May 27, 2021. To publish

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