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Tracking the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Waterloo region

Tracking the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine in the Waterloo region


Currently, more than 299,000 COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the Waterloo region.

Since the Waterloo region launched the COVID-19 vaccination program, we have been tracking all doses administered.

The latest figures show that 299,101 doses of vaccine were given in the area. The data released on Thursday afternoon (May 27)..

On May 26, 5,052 doses were given, including 560 new shots taken at local pharmacies and primary care clinics.

Since April 3, 42,864 vaccinations have been implemented at Primacy Care offices and pharmacies throughout the region.

Almost 58.2 percent of the eligible population over the age of 18 receive a single dose.

A total of 19,592 people have been vaccinated for the second time, and 4.1% of the eligible population is fully vaccinated against the virus.

Approximately 94.7% of residents of retirement homes and long-term care facilities and 56% of staff have received both shots.

The doses administered may include medical staff and essential workers who work in the Waterloo region but do not live locally.

Public health in the Waterloo region COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard Monday to Friday 1:30 pm, data is the same as 5 pm the day before.

Ontario Vaccine Deployment

Some important developments in vaccine deployment in the Waterloo region are:

May 18

May 18, state Vaccine reservation started For all ontarians over 18 years old. Young people between the ages of 12 and 17 are expected to qualify for booking on May 31st.

May 11

May 11th, public health Dashboard changesCurrently, we are disclosing the number of doses the area received by May 5th. Previously, public health stated that it could not provide this data for security reasons.

May 11th Ontario Government Suspended Distribution of First Dosing AstraZeneca vaccine distributed at pharmacies and clinics due to the risk of rare blood clots

May 3

The area will be open on May 3rd for anyone over the age of 18. Certain high priority areas can now be registered for vaccines.. The neighborhoods are: Country Hills, Banier / Rockway, Alpine / Laurenshan, Victoria Hills / Kitchener Cherry Hill. Shade’s Mills in Cambridge; Columbia / Lakeshore in Waterloo.

April 23

After discussing with the state on April 23, Task Force Head, WRPS Deputy Chief Shirley Hilton, all pregnant individuals are now eligible to register for vaccination appointments in the highest-risk categories. I confirmed that there is.

April 20

April 20th Langs vaccination site for 1145 Concession Rd. Cambridge has begun immunizing all people targeted by the vaccine. Previously, the clinic only vaccinated people over the age of 80.

April 15

Public health added Pharmacy vaccination on task force dashboard On April 15, a technical glitch prevented local public health from tracking these shots. These shots first began to be delivered on April 3rd.

April 13

April 13th Langs satellite site was scheduled to open in AirNorth Dumfries Community Health Center (2958 Greenfield Rd).

April 8

The area has announced that it is open Two more vaccination sites To serve the general public on Thursday, April 8th. As of April 8th, Kitchener’s 421 Greenbrook Dr. People in Japan are already taking it. On April 13, the Langs satellite site will open on Air’s North Dumfries Community Health Center on 2958 Greenfield Road.

April 6

Ontario Government on April 6 We will officially launch Phase 2 of the state’s vaccine deployment. This phase includes the highest-risk individuals such as organ transplant recipients, some people with neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, and essential caregivers. Other high-priority groups in this phase include people in high-risk health and their caregivers, people who live and work in a collective environment, school staff and food production workers who work from home. Includes certain workers who cannot.

March 22

The· The largest vaccination clinic in the area opens 66 Pinebush Rd in Cambridge. At the former RONA store in.

March 19-20

A vaccine clinic is being held at Anishnabeg Outreach (Kitchener’s 236 Woodhaven Road) for indigenous peoples of the Waterloo region, Metis and Inuit. From March 24th to 25th, another clinic is planned in the area’s administration building (150 Frederick St.).

March 19

Shirley Hilton, Deputy Chief of WRPS, Head of the Task Force, confirmed at a press conference that Phase 1 of vaccine deployment would be completed by the end of March.

March 15

The Public Vaccine Clinic was scheduled to open at 10 Victoria Street in Kitchener on March 15. On the same day, the Vaccination Clinic was scheduled to open at 3710 Nafujiger Street, Unit A in Wellsley.

March 12

The provisional vaccination site opened on March 12th. Langs Community Health Center In Cambridge. The former RONA store in Cambridge (66 Pinebush Rd.) Will open as a vaccination site in the week of March 22nd.

March 10

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Following national vaccination guidelines, the state has decided to extend the duration of the first and second doses to 16 weeks, or about 4 months. After March 10, residents of the Waterloo region will be booked for a second vaccination 16 weeks after the first vaccination. However, residents of long-term care facilities and retirement homes will continue to take follow-up shots after 21 days.

March 4

The second COVID-19 vaccination site in the region 465 promenade In Waterloo, dedicated to a population of over 80 people.

February. twenty five

According to the region, the dose number could not be withdrawn from the vaccine inventory system between February 25th and March 1st due to a technical error.

February. 19

WRPS Deputy Chief Shirley Hilton, who heads the regional vaccine task force, said the State Department of Health has announced an explanation of the framework. Healthcare professionals listed in Phase 1 are prioritized in groups, from high-priority to medium-priority staff. Adults over the age of 80 have transitioned from Phase 2 to Phase 1.

February. 8

The vaccination clinic at Grand River Hospital was scheduled to reopen with priority given to the second vaccination. The first dose was scheduled to resume the following week.

January. 29

Women in their thirties First confirmed case Rapidly popular UK COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7 In the Waterloo region. Studies suggest that vaccines available in Canada are effective against this mutant.

January. 28

The area suspended the Grand River Hospital vaccination clinic and suspended shots that weekend.

January. twenty five

The region competed Initial vaccination of long-term care and retirement home residents in all eligible areas, After a limited vaccine supply has been redirected to this at-risk population as soon as possible.

January. twenty three

January 23 is a year The first known COVID-19 case in Canada, A 56-year-old patient at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto. As of Monday, Canada tested positive for just under 750,000 viruses, affecting almost 2 percent of the population since last year.

January. 20

The regional COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force announced: Two new vaccination sites Alongside the clinic at the Grand River Hospital in Kitchener, it will open soon.

“We have two other sites in the area, one in the north and one near the southern tip of the area,” WRPS Deputy Secretary of State Shirley Hilton said on January 20. However, the deputy secretary did not reveal the location of the new site because the agreement has not yet been signed.

January. 15

Grand River Hospital Vaccine clinic is temporarily closed From January 15th to January 18th, we will focus on long-term care and immunity of elderly home residents. Hilton said last week that supply concerns required a suspension.

“The biggest problem right now is that we can’t know in advance if we’re working on an unknown supply or what we’ll get,” Hilton said at a press conference on January 15.

December 22

Waterloo Regional Vaccination Site at Grand River Hospital The staff at Chartwell Elmira Long Term Care Residence was given the first shot. Care workers have been at the top of the list since the vaccine was first distributed to clinics throughout the state in late December.

— Use Waterloo Region Records and Toronto Star files


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