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Oregon reports an additional 21 COVID-19 deaths and 433 new cases.Number of cases exceeds 200,000

Oregon reports an additional 21 COVID-19 deaths and 433 new cases.Number of cases exceeds 200,000


Highest daily deaths in almost two months.The case reached a “severe milestone”, prompting for masks and vaccinations

Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-There were 21 new COVID-19-related deaths in Oregon, increasing the state’s death to 2,660, the Oregon Health Department reported Thursday. This is the highest number of deaths reported daily since 33 people were reported on April 6, and occurs on the day Oregon exceeds 200,000.

Oregon has over 200,000 COVID-19

The estimated number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Oregon has reached 200,000. On Thursday, OHA reported 433 new confirmed and putative cases of COVID-19. And the total number of states is 200,210.

“When heading to Memorial Day holiday weekend, this milestone is COVID-in Oregon, especially for those who have not yet been vaccinated, while the number of cases is declining across the state due to vaccination. It makes me realize that there are 19 risks left, “said OHA Director Patrick Allen. “Caution is given to Oregons who have not yet been vaccinated. You are still at risk of infection, so you need to wear a mask indoors and take precautions against physical distance. “

“When we try to eradicate the virus, our most effective tool to end the pandemic is vaccination,” OHA said in its daily update. “Fully vaccinated people are well protected, but the pandemic is not over yet.”

All individuals over the age of 12 in Oregon are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. For more information on COVID-19 vaccine information by county, click here..

Vaccination in Oregon

OHA reported on Thursday that 29,611 COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state’s vaccination registry. Of this total, 16,348 doses were given on Wednesday and 13,263 were given the day before, but were enrolled in the vaccine registry on Wednesday.

Currently, the 7-day moving average is 29,106 times per day.

Oregon currently receives a total of 2,154,797 first and second doses of Pfizer, 1,572,083 first and second doses of Moderna, and 138,588 single doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. As of Thursday, 1,790,838 people have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series. There are 2,206,455 people who have taken at least one dose.

Cumulative daily totals can take several days to finalize, as providers have 72 hours to report the dose administered and many providers are behind in reporting due to technical challenges. OHA has provided technical support to vaccination sites to improve the timeliness of data entry into the state’s ALERT Vaccination Information System (IIS).

To date, 2,619,045 Pfizer, 2,102,240 Modana, and 291,000 Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered throughout Oregon.

These data are tentative and subject to change.

OHA Dashboard The Oregon dashboard was updated on Thursday, providing regularly updated vaccination data.

COVID-19 hospitalized

There are 256 patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon, 17 fewer than Wednesday. There are 68 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) bed, 9 fewer than Wednesday.

The total number of bedtime for COVID-19-positive patients over the last 7 days was 1,860, a decrease of 18.7% from the last 7 days. The peak number of beds per day for COVID-19-positive patients in the last 7 days is 285.

The total number of patients in bed can fluctuate during reporting times. This number does not reflect the number of hospital stays or length of stay per day. This data does not include personnel limits and may further limit bed capacity.

Learn more about hospital capacity...

As of early Thursday, St. Charles Bend reported 41 COVID-19 patients, 5 in the ICU and 3 on mechanical ventilation.

Benton County “counts all shots” at a teenage clinic

Hundreds of teens were vaccinated in a teen-focused vaccination event in Benton County last week. Approximately 500 people between the ages of 12 and 15 received shots with hundreds of teens rolling up their sleeves.

“Teenday” took place at the county’s mass vaccination site, Reser Stadium, and at a nearby high school pop-up clinic.

Participants can participate in the Chromebook, Airpods, and gift card lottery. The children were invited to write on a graffiti board and answered questions such as “What are you most looking forward to when you are fully vaccinated?” The answers included “returning to face-to-face class” rather than “wondering if it’s open” or “traveling”.

The county also worked with several organizations serving young people, including: Jackson Street Youth ServiceAccommodates teens who are experiencing homelessness, and Strengthening rural families..

Benton County is currently one of the highest immunization rates in Oregon. Uili Neville, Joint Information Center Manager in Benton County, said: “At this point, every shot is important.”

Incident and death

Caution: Details of the deaths reported on Thursday will be published later.

Newly confirmed estimated COVID-19 cases reported Thursday were Baker (2), Benton (3), Craccamus (50), Kratosop (1), Colombia (8), Couse (4), Crook (4). ) Is in the county. ), Deschutz (41), Douglas (24), Harney (2), Hood River (1), Jackson (22), Jefferson (3), Josephine (12), Klamath (13), Lane (17), Lynn ( 23), Malheur (4), Marion (54), Morrow (5), Multnomah (64), Polk (4), Tillamook (1), Umatilla (17), Union (1), Wasco (1), Washington ( 38) and Yamhill (14).

Want to know more about COVID-19 vaccination?

For more information on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon, see the OHA web page (English language Or Spanish), Distribution and other information breakdown.

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