May 27, 2021 Oakville Coronavirus Update
This is a coronavirus update on Thursday, May 27, 2021. The four less active cases of COVID-19 in Halton today are all from Oakville. With more than 1.5 billion vaccinations worldwide, the total number of Halton vaccinations exceeds 311,000.
Ontario reports today a 500,000th cumulative COVID-19 recovery, with more than 60% of Ontario’s eligible population receiving at least the first vaccination. The number of confirmed mutations has decreased (due to data correction) for the second consecutive day.
This week, active cases are declining by 6-9.5% daily. New Brunswick, PEI and Alberta have all announced plans to reopen faster than Ontario.
** Vaccine Reservation Renewal: Everyone in Halton over the age of 18 is eligible to book a vaccination.
Young people between the ages of 12 and 17 are required to wait and register for a priority booking program from Halton, with a goal of Monday, May 31, 2021. Young people in this age group will be given priority in both vaccinations before the end. In August 2021 prior to the new school year.
** Click here to book vaccinations at the Halton Regional Vaccine Clinic **
Caution: Oakville figures are updated seven days a week in Ontario and the world case. The Halton Vaccine is updated only from Monday to Friday. No school updates have been available since education returned online.
Oakville and Halton COVID-19 Update
- After a big drop of 2 days in the active case, it will be smaller today
- The four less active cases of COVID-19 in Halton today are all from Oakville
- The Halton region is currently receiving more than 300,000 COVID-19 vaccines.Over 60% of all residents receive at least one dose
- Reservations for young people aged 12 to 17 will begin tentatively in Halton on May 31, 2021. With a new program that prioritizes vaccination with both vaccines before the new school year begins in September 2021
- Current waiting period for first vaccine appointment in Halton 3-4 weeks from the date of booking
Overview of local vaccinations
- Over 311,800 people have been vaccinated at least once (63% of pops).
- 311,035 vaccinations-plus 4,711
The Halton area reports that more residents were vaccinated with COVID-19 than they were given. Oakville News has contacted the Halton area for comments on this change, especially those that have been fully vaccinated.
The total number of vaccinated residents may be higher than the total dose given, as some Halton residents have been vaccinated in different areas. Oakville News is waiting for your comment.
The numbers have changed since yesterday’s Oakville News update. May 26, 2021..
- 75 active cases-minus 4
- 26 Patients at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital-Plus 1
- Total 5,510 (confirmed and possible)-plus 11
- 65 deaths-no change
- 5,370 collections-15 times
- 5,880 completed (recovery + death) cases-98.4% of cases
- 1,742 variant cases-plus 7
- 10 outbreaks-minus 1
Halton’s situation
- 348 active cases-minus 4
- 50 hospitals across Halton-50 no change
- 17,413 cases in total (confirmed + possible)-plus 50
- 224 deaths-no change
- 16,841 collections-plus 54 times
- 17,065 completed (recovery + death) cases-97.7% of cases
- 5,597 variant cases-plus 24
- 25 occurrences-no change
Caution: The Halton region has combined its recovery numbers into a single number, showing cases that may now be closed. This total includes some cases where the coronavirus was not recovered. In the Halton area, the names of active workplaces are not disclosed.
Ontario COVID-19 Update
State vaccination overview
- 7.93 million people have been vaccinated at least once (53.86% of pop).
- At least 599,000 people are fully vaccinated
- 8.53 million vaccinations-plus 143,000
The change is from yesterday’s numbers. The state released information on May 27, 2021 as of the end of yesterday.
- 16,541 active cases-minus 1,186
- 1,072 hospitalized-minus 1
- 527,180 confirmed cases-plus 1,135 cases
- 501,942 collections-plus 2,302
- 8,697 deaths-plus 19
- 508,318 resolved cases (death and recovery) or 96.3%
- 37,705 tests conducted with a positive rate of 3.6%
- ICU 650-minus 22
- 452 people wearing ventilators-minus 17 people
- 67 active and ongoing institutional outbreaks-no change
Variant of Concern (VOC) Summary
- 122,349 confirmed cases of B.1.1.7 variant-plus 1,227
- 840 confirmed cases of B.1.351 variant-plus 4
- 2,544 confirmed cases of P.1 variant-plus 39
- 33,760 cases with unknown confirmed mutations-minus 120
Canada and Global COVID-19 Update
Overview of national vaccination
- 20.45 million people have been vaccinated at least once (53.83% of pop).
- At least 1.79 million people are fully vaccinated
- 22.25 million vaccinations given-plus 318,000
The Canadian numbers have changed since the last update of Oakville News. May 26, 2021.. Due to the large number of cases nationwide and worldwide, both are estimates (within 0.1% of the total).
- 43,281 active cases-minus 3,016
- 2,822 active hospitalizations-plus 1
USCOVID-19 update
- 33.01 million cumulative cases
- 589,547 deaths-plus 1,126
- 62.0% of all adults are vaccinated at least once
- Ranking 18th World deaths per capita is 179.66 per 100,000
World COVID-19 Update
- 168.04 million cases
- 3.49 million people have died worldwide
- At least 1.54 a billion Vaccine doses are given worldwide
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